paul ryan is equal opportunity when it comes to fucking over poor and middle class people.
im a phony because your stupid? like really bro, about 85% of your posts make you look like a tard.I'm honored to make your phony leftist ass skin crawl, you ever had a black father?
Rubio might have been a better political choice but Ryan has the knowledge and experience to actually help Mitt in his presidency.I don't mind Paul Ryan. At least he's somewhat articulate.....Rubio would have been a better choice IMO
All anyone has to do is look below your posts and see who hits the like button, that puts you in the biggest idiot group by default!im a phony because your stupid? like really bro, about 85% of your posts make you look like a tard.
& wtf kinda stupid ass question is that?
Im going to do something positiveWow! Do you people hear yourselves? Bickering like a bunch of school girls. First off, the white people have now become the minority, as there have been more and more mixed-race births in the past 2 decades. And for all of you in this thread crying about how whites are racist, have you ever heard the term "reverse-racism?" I take it none of y'all have. Quit bickering like children and grow up. And quit acting like every single one of you is an educated person who knows better than the next. We're marijuana cultivators and consumers. We should be above this shit and support our fellow man. Not put him down. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Seriously. Everyone of y'all needs to come down off his high horse and take the tampon out of your ass. WTF is wrong with y'all?!? Good grief. Who really cares about politics anyways. It's not like any of your opinions matter to them. If ya want to do something, do something that will have a positive impact. Not cry-ass over this petty bullshit, trying to stack up posts so you can feel better about yourselves internally, and put down others. Get real. Grow up. Be a compassionate human. Not a fucking DICK!
If you're trying to say that minorities should wisen up and be more conservative, just to correlate the numbers.....I agree with you.What percentage of the RNC convention crowd is minority?
What percentage of the US population is minority?
do the 2 numbers correlate to each other?
maybe once the GOP takes repealing the voting rights act out of their platform, that might be a remote possibility.If you're trying to say that minorities should wisen up and be more conservative, just to correlate the numbers.....I agree with you.
Count yourself fortunate that the Kaendar Interregnum passed you entirely by. Did you know that we're all Africans? Really. cnWhites are the minority? In what parallel universe? Maybe you should move there. I'll pay for the trip.
my cancer is in remission.Count yourself fortunate that the Kaendar Interregnum passed you entirely by. Did you know that we're all Africans? Really. cn
Yep, but some on here still call people racist for saying welfare should be lowered and not as easy to receive.Yeah, considering the majority of people on welfare are Caucasians in predominantly red states.....lolfacts don't lie....
That's bcuz ppl who know how to interpret the Bible right prayed for you. It's bcuz of GOD. In your case, demons maybe. Oh, and I'm not a Christian. knmy cancer is in remission.
Kaendar is still posting? Why?Count yourself fortunate that the Kaendar Interregnum passed you entirely by. Did you know that we're all Africans? Really. cn
I think he stopped. But he sort of really hit his stride a coupla months ago, and was briefly the most active poster since Finshaggy's prime. A few of his threads still survive, but the ones with the choicest quotes and exchanges were all disappeared. There are still a few K sigs to be seen ... cnKaendar is still posting? Why?