Help with Compost Tea!


Well-Known Member

  • Hello,
    There is no EDTA in any of the G.O. products. The Oregon labeling issues had nothing to do with what was in the products. They were labeling issues that pertained to some of the verbiage we used. Oregon is a very strict state when it comes to fertilizer regulations. Yes, General Organics is organic.
    Thank you,
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: NOPE
    To: <[email protected]>
    Date: Saturday, April 7 2012 04:40 PM
    Subject: Question about General ORGANICS
    Hello,I have a question about your General Organics CaMg+. Is it in fact organic, or is that just marketing BS? I read that it is banned in Oregon as a mislabeled product, and rumours are flowing that it contains EDTA.

    So what's the story?



Well-Known Member
Above is a Q and A between myself and General Organics. Whether you believe them is your call (I do...).


Well-Known Member
To the OP: what was your goal in adding something to your compost tea? From what I've read and experienced, it's best to brew your tea WITHOUT any added nutrients. Then add the nutrients in a separate watering (before or after).

I'd brew up your tea without any "high P", then add your "high P" separately.

FYI, I do sometimes add General Organics Diamond Black (humics) to my AACT's but this is not a source of NPK as much as something that fungi apparently enjoy.. Seems to work.


Well-Known Member
I know that stuff I pasted was about EDTA, but the last sentence from the GO guy reads "Yes, General Organics is organic". I'll take his word on that. As a representative of the company, he would have to be pretty dumb to flat out lie on something like this.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
yeah that would be a pretty bad representative. have you ever herd that companies can claim its organic aslong as its more than 50 percent organic. i read that one or two times but do not know if it is true.


Active Member
First off, what are you trying to accomplish?

the main point in brewing anything is to multiply the beneficials in the tea. So unless you are feeding a product that has beneficials or benefits the growth of such, then what's the point of brewing with it in there anyways? Just add it on it's own feed schedule.

Secondly, synthetics don't just straight kill microbes. It's usually the presence of varying pH that does that, but they aren't great for your microbelife either (certain microbes can actually solubilize synthetic compounds) . I have never heard about any of GOs stuff containing synthetics, in fact lots of it is veganic, but have heard that AN uses a synthetic chelator.


Well-Known Member
They claim the source of their lines are vegan. Easy to disprove at the plant then. I would be sure before I trashed a business. Not saying any rumors are true or untrue. Saying be sure.


Active Member
There is no labeling laws for Organic. If its not usda or some thing other goverment stamp then its not "true" organic. Or they did not pay for the label. There are a ton of misinformation out there. People labeling shit green, or eco this and that. Dumb people fall for it, not us. I personally think if they did not pay for the label then, it might not be true. There have been test (too lazy right now to find them) that is says Organic. And it is, just not all of it. All down to labeling law and $.

Just like, and its 100% true. A lot of our food boxes say 0% trans fat. But its made with hydrogenated oil. Aka trans fat. Any thing under .8% can be labeled 0% transfat. So a lot of businesses cut their portion size on the box down untill its below 1%. Kinda see where I am going here?

george xxx

Active Member
There is no labeling laws for Organic. If its not usda or some thing other goverment stamp then its not "true" organic. Or they did not pay for the label. There are a ton of misinformation out there. People labeling shit green, or eco this and that. Dumb people fall for it, not us. I personally think if they did not pay for the label then, it might not be true. There have been test (too lazy right now to find them) that is says Organic. And it is, just not all of it. All down to labeling law and $.

Just like, and its 100% true. A lot of our food boxes say 0% trans fat. But its made with hydrogenated oil. Aka trans fat. Any thing under .8% can be labeled 0% transfat. So a lot of businesses cut their portion size on the box down untill its below 1%. Kinda see where I am going here?
Same logic behind many oregon legal battles. Ferts are a hot area. They all want to claim organic but many of the plant ingredients used in the production of organic fertilizers are fertilized with animal by products derrived from animals that were fed with feed produced from genetically altered seed. Genetically altered seed has become has become such an inbred part of agriculture that for many products being truely organic is no longer possible. As such feds are willing to accept less than 100% as organic.


Active Member
Kinda true, they are still around. A bitch to find and get ready to pay. But yes its so hard no one cares. I hope people learn about the true food and wake up. so much of this can all be traced to the farmers feeding ... Fuck it .. lol
But it all starts with Corn.