possible rip! help!!!!


Well-Known Member
hahaha well it says b1 so mite as well see if it works. ill have to wait it out then i cant get that shit here
Don't use it you could kill her and that's murder, I can see you already covered her in milk sometime! Can you get ebay or amazon on your phone?


Well-Known Member
hahaha well it says b1 so mite as well see if it works. ill have to wait it out then i cant get that shit here
Losten to the advice given to you. Do not give your vitamins to your plant, they have all sorts of other shit in there. If you can't get thrive alive then don't do anything at all. Dissolving vitamins into water is just amateurish and all around bad for your plant. It won't work.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
hahah you should have read the second page man i brought her home 3 or 4 days ago! still drooping tho haha and i brought one home today that isnt even drooping, and their the same strain. b