The Seed Collectors Thread

You know I grew Tomatoes, Potatoes, and I still got Grapes goin and stuff.. During my recent hiatus..
But ill tell yo whut...
I'd much rather have a nice fat Sack for all that work, than a squirrels leftovers and a plate of fries....

Seems the Tomatoes liked the lucas Formula Though...LoL (a lil beastie bloom 2..)

Hell seems you added one more test group to the Lab, you must be a meth head or sumthin.. Cause that workload has got to be hectic as shit...
wow. that "derailed" sounds lovely.

& those jaws freebies ALL sound lovely.

my pockets ...cause i need to install a fence ...not so lovely.

damn you fuckers!


==========> jkahn ====> yo yo yo yo yo ! playa =========> good to see you around

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!my seed loving nikka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Has anybody popped any of those Beans i made?
The good the bad and the ugly? I'm crazy curious...

Yo GUD, wuzz Gooooddddiee...
Its a Pheno of JackTheRipper
Soylent Green

mother===chem sis

im on that one,good luck.

I fuckin hate when more than one breeder uses the same name for completely diff. shit...
They know what their doing!!
someone at zon complained that he was not credited for genetics used in the cross
so mr c took it off to avoid any least till they work it out