Burning roots at Harvest?


I have a questing about harvesting. I was told by an "experienced" grower to pull my plants out of the ground with the roots intact. Then take a torch to the roots, & burn the heck out of them. Supposedly it helps with the drying/curing process. Has anyone here ever herd of doing this? or tried it? Thanks


Well-Known Member
I don't see how this will help at all,burning the roots is the same thing as just cutting them off either way the roots get destroyed.What does help though is to let the soil completely dry.


Well-Known Member
There is nothing you want in your cureed product in those roots, you have stuff in the stalk and stems that is why you hang upside down for a few days but there is nothing in the roots.


Thanks for the input.... think I will stick to my original plan & just cut & hang.... How long does it usually hang? a week? My First time doing this.


Well-Known Member
One week is about right. Mid range humidity (50-60%), room temp (65-75), no light, and indirect airflow (fan in room not pointed at buds)... When stems inside buds snap instead of bend, remove individual buds from main stems, and put in Mason canning jars. Then search this site for how to cure...


Well-Known Member
plants still grow and react even after cut of pulled from the ground.... im sure the idea of it is similar to boiling the roots shocking the plant so it gives one last ditch effort to produce more tricombs to protect itself.

you want a fool proof way to get nice frosty shocked plants?(without all the mutilation, nail in plant, trimming fan leaves,burning/boiling roots, 48 hours darkness b4 harvest) feed cold water daily for the last 2 weeks and bring the soil temps down. and water before lights out.

turning your plants upside down dont do shit but add water from the stems into the buds making them dry slower which a good thing in most cases.
theres nothing in there to make the bud more potent tho.


Active Member
There is nothing you want in your cureed product in those roots, you have stuff in the stalk and stems that is why you hang upside down for a few days but there is nothing in the roots.
What "stuff" is in the stalk and stems?


Active Member
plz refer to my post it has been explained already.
The other poster said there was some mystical "stuff" in the stems. That was the post I was refering to not yours where you said there was water so unless your both
posters I don't know how you can know what they were talking about.