Early Issues. Is my light too close/ strong?


Photo on 8-26-12 at 10.47 PM.jpgPhoto on 8-26-12 at 10.47 PM #2.jpgPhoto on 8-26-12 at 10.47 PM #3.jpgPhoto on 8-26-12 at 10.48 PM.jpg

I placed my plants under my 600w metal halide at 26" away from the tops of the plants about 2 days ago. They were previously underneath a dual strip t5 (fairly close to plants). The leaves appear to be curving more (up and down both) and the stem of the plants seem less green and more of a dark purplish brown. The two strains are blue dream and purple haze. I'm using happy frog organic soil with pH water of 6.5. Temperature can get up to the upper eighties during the day, but I have the light off for the peak heat hours. Generally at the plant level the temp is about 80. Is this normal or are these things suffering? I'm not certain at the extent of roots for some of the plants, as some haven't been growing quite as much as others. Also I am watering 3 times per week, is that often enough?


Well-Known Member
Never used Happy Frog I've used Light Warrior and their FFOF is great now I'm using sunshine mix 4 for seedlilngs the first two weeks then ffof plain water one time good then I fed the next watering it's coming out good this is last day of a 26 day veg from seed to flowering in 26 is like my all time best I not using the fox farm nutes any more going with some advance nutes in the sunshine mix anf ffof no more of that fox farm b. s. ~
Picture 1039.jpg


Well-Known Member
It's heat burn for some reason plants seem to be vulnerable at this stage 2 weeks - Preflower.

Start at 36" then slowly move it closer each day.18" is ideal but can be as close as 8" if you have proper cooling.Also if you have been misting STOP now.


Well-Known Member
It's heat burn for some reason plants seem to be vulnerable at this stage 2 weeks - Preflower.

Start at 36" then slowly move it closer each day.18" is ideal but can be as close as 8" if you have proper cooling.Also if you have been misting STOP now.
The misting is only good for seedlings and very small plants,or bigger plants with a whole lot of circulation(cooling)


Well-Known Member
Pull your light back 3-4 feet. Dont water again till the dirt is mostly dried out. Water when the plant needs it not because it happens to be Tuesday.


I have been misting still so I will stop that. Also the jump from a t5 to a 600w must have shocked the plants somewhat. They're still fairly young and Im hoping that by moving the light to 4 feet they will begin to fair better.