What is the best grow tent available? Grow Lab, Secret Jardin, Hydrohut, gorilla tent

Unlimited One

Active Member
In the market for a good quality solid grow tent thats gonna last. Any suggestions? All appreciated very much! Thank you.


Active Member
im sure you've already considered all this but in the past ive bought a grow lab, which is the only legit one ive bought, never had any problems with it.

buuuuut soon after buying it, i found myself able to build the same cab for about 75% the cost even less maybe. but then you havde to deal with A LOT of extra stufff. if your decent at DIY though you can make a cab just like those store bought ones. and for less money!

if you do buy one, I suggest grow lab though :)

Unlimited One

Active Member
im sure you've already considered all this but in the past ive bought a grow lab, which is the only legit one ive bought, never had any problems with it.

buuuuut soon after buying it, i found myself able to build the same cab for about 75% the cost even less maybe. but then you havde to deal with A LOT of extra stufff. if your decent at DIY though you can make a cab just like those store bought ones. and for less money!

if you do buy one, I suggest grow lab though :)
Yea I thought about just making my own, but how easy to take down and transport would it be if say I would have to move? I thought about just buying some 2x3's, some black/white poly Mylar and plywood, but I calculated the cost at approx. $200-250. I was looking at the 4x8 growlab,($600 thought) which i especially like better than the others i have researched because of the cool clear view windows! I know that isnt the most important thing i should be looking at in regards to making a choice, but i just love the thought of being able to check on my girls without having to unzip and then zip the text!Lol. Plus, if smell is an issue, you wont have to open up the text and allow the odor to escape! If I had not found (transaction still pending, but im scheduled to pick it up tonight after work!) A growlab for so cheap I would of probably made my own room! Thanks for all the info buddy I appreciate it.


Active Member
I bought a cheap 4x8 knock off. Some of the zippers leak a small amount of light but I fixed it. Worth the $220 IMO.

However, I only use it for veg now. I hung 2-600s in it to use as a bloom room but I didn't like not being able to move around my plants so I built a bigger room. I still love it though.


Well-Known Member
Get one with a viewing window! Something my tent is missing and I wish I had. I have a Virtual Sun and i'm happy with it other than no viewing window.


Well-Known Member
My cheap ebay mylar tent is probably just as good if not better than all the silly name brand tents.

Unlimited One

Active Member
Went for the Growlab GL145L! This tent is fkn huge! I wanted a 4x8 but this is actually closer to a 5x9! It takes up most of the space in the room lol. I put up one 600w hps and set a 10" max fan on the ground with another oscillating fan, all the vents open, a small fan blowing air from outside into the tent through a window, and a six inch ducting going from a top vent to another window, no fan just free flowing. All this and the fkn temps still got to the high 90's! Today when I rushed home from work, something told me that it was gonna be hot and it was. It was 97 degrees when I got there! My new babies had never gotten so much heat, since they had always been under clfs, and in an area that is much cooler than here. One actually didnt make it... :-( I planted it outside, on the ground, just as a burial ritual. Now I know the importance of running a fan through an air cooled hood. Had to temporarily stop the setup until I get proper ventilation for the hood. One question that I have is how much difference does having your hood cooled have? Degree wise more or less? I know that there is no definite answer, being all the different factors to take into consideration, but lets say I would have had the hood cooled, how much lower could I have expected the temp to be? low 90's instead of high fuking 90's 80's, 70's? Well I definitely learned my lesson. Here is a pic of my teen baby that left us. R.I.P

Unlimited One

Active Member
I've had a good experience with my new ggt. Hard to beat the adjustable height, it's a great feature imo. http://www.fullbloomhydroponics.net/gorilla-grow-tent-2-x-4/
Yea they look awesome! But its also hard to meet the price lol. I'm sure its top notch quality. Is ggt the ones that you can connect to eachother? I remember seeing tents that were able to connect or join together, or was it a dream lol. Cant remember, but if the ggt does then I know which tent im getting next!


Active Member
Glad you found a good tent! When it's for growing, DO NOT skimp! I'd like to hear more about the Gorilla tents or ones with more height and adjustable if possible. Anyways, I posted a similar question a little while back and it was only for hanging trees to 'dry' etc.

I wanted a 4x8 and did get one off of Amazon through one of the main companies for ~$180+. The tent works fine NOW that I've done a few things but that's just for drying...light and air leaks are a def. issue if growing with this one BUT the one thing that pissed me off was the silly ass(retarded) way you have to set it up. It took me and another person with a lot of frustration to complete it.....This is why I hate to skimp on anything!

I ended up complaining through the Amazon company via email and now I'm satisfied because they did give me 25%+ back directly on my card AND it's ONLY to dry where I keep it in a dark room anyways. Other than that, I'd be pissed. If it were for growing, I wouldn't settle for anything but the very best.

To U.O.: You def. want to have your light air cooled whether you're running 1 or 2+. I have 6 in 2 parallel rows of 3...Only ran 4 and they're air cooled 8" Mag. XXXL's...I also have a 2 ton mini split a/c right in my sealed room and the a/c will keep my canopy at the right temp. or colder on hot summer days in So Cal but at 6 lights running at 1K watts, being air cooled, and on a hot summer day, It may only keep them at 76-80....I'm just not sure yet. I do run a CO2 burner and 2-70 pint dehuies that put off hot air too so those were other contributing factors.
Either way, it get's hot as Phuck running the HID's w/out being air cooled dude. It's not something I'll stand for but everyone has a diff. strain and/or set up so there are others that would do things differently than I.
I do know that my air cooled hoods run cool enough to touch the glass right under the light and it just being warm...The outer edges/corners are cool to the touch. This way you can keep the light closer to the plants to prevent extra unwanted stretch but make sure to raise them lights up with any flowering buds so as not to burn em.;)


Well-Known Member
I've found that no matter how big a grow room is you do need some form of exhaust. It might take longer when the lights come on but the temps will still get up there. I grew in a walk in closet once, with a fan from the bedroom blowing in. That closet still hit 100 and the bedroom was in the upper 90's. It just took a couple hours to get there. Back then exhaust wasn't an option so I just had to grow in those temps!

Edit. Oh yeah I like jardin out of the ones you mentioned.