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I think the light is coming on 

Did bob poop himself ?I wonder ... is a self-defamation thread allowed? cn
I think the light is coming on
I think the light is coming on
So, you were the narrator on this video? UB was the director?Wow, in the first 20 seconds this little smear piece makes its first mistake. Bob likes to keep up on current events, one can only presume that he actually doe so. And then he believes that it isn't out of line that ID should be required to vote even though Bob knows that right or wrong, proper improper he believes those voter ID laws to be, they will inordinatly affect minorities. Bob either knows this - and is a racist or Bob does not know this, and is not as informed as he pretends himself to be. long as he washes up when he's done.I wonder ... is a self-defamation thread allowed? cn
How do you know when satire is effective? When the target calls it a smear piece!Wow, in the first 20 seconds this little smear piece makes its first mistake. Bob likes to keep up on current events, one can only presume that he actually doe so. And then he believes that it isn't out of line that ID should be required to vote even though Bob knows that right or wrong, proper improper he believes those voter ID laws to be, they will inordinatly affect minorities. Bob either knows this - and is a racist or Bob does not know this, and is not as informed as he pretends himself to be.
Since I have not abandoned my bid to remodel this into a Poop Thread, a "smear piece" could be Russian toilet paper. cnHow do you know when satire is effective? When the target calls it a smear piece!
Is satire never propaganda?How do you know when satire is effective? When the target calls it a smear piece!
Bob is a dominionist. Bob prides himself in hating Big Brother. But Bob is so stupid, he doesn't realize voter ID is another way to track and subjugate the populace.I think the light is coming on
Bob is a dominionist. Bob prides himself in hating Big Brother. But Bob is so stupid, he doesn't realize voter ID is another way to track and subjugate the populace.
We already have other means of "ID" called a signature. Even if voter fraud is in the thousands, if a polling agent suspects fraud, even for racist reasons, they can flag that signature. Then compare that signature to the real Bob. But Bob is a batshit crazy asshole who doesn't realize he's getting fucked in the ass by big brother if the right spin is applied. Bend over Bob, I'm just a proctologist. The probe has a new flesh like plastic covering for your comfort and must be controlled from the pelvic region.
All very pretty words, but is Bob a racist? Isn't that the question?Bob is a dominionist. Bob prides himself in hating Big Brother. But Bob is so stupid, he doesn't realize voter ID is another way to track and subjugate the populace.
We already have other means of "ID" called a signature. Even if voter fraud is in the thousands, if a polling agent suspects fraud, even for racist reasons, they can flag that signature. Then compare that signature to the real Bob. But Bob is a batshit crazy asshole who doesn't realize he's getting fucked in the ass by big brother if the right spin is applied. Bend over Bob, I'm just a proctologist. The probe has a new flesh like plastic covering for your comfort and must be controlled from the pelvic region.
I can't think of any satire that is propaganda. I am open to examples though, you got any?Is satire never propaganda?
No where in the Constitution does it say you need ID. The majority of illegals don't have ID. I didn't have ID for eight months the last time mine expired. I still used credit cards and bought beer. I only got an ID again to get a mmj card. IDs are only to prevent "illegal" things from happening. An ID assumes you're a criminal and you are until you do. The more things you show an ID for, the more we become a police state. Even Visa and Mastercard know this and tell their vendors to allow signing receipts without ID. It's only people like you who make up fake policies because you don't know better. It makes you no better than the liberals like Bucky who state they're their brother's keeper for their own good. There are so many biometrics which can be used and don't require ID. Voter ID is an assault on our liberties, no matter your intentions. I even agree with your intentions, but the cost is too high. No one should be required to have any extra expense in time or money in order to vote other than show up. Even the Constitution states there shall be no poll tax. Even if the ID were free, it would be a tax on time and thusly voter ID is just as illegal as voter fraud. You can't do an illegal action to prevent another.Citizens have to have ID to walk out the front door. If you get stopped by cops you better have an ID or you will likely go to jail. You have to have ID to access any goverment social program.
Voting should have some responsibilty attached. I do not want my vote canceled out because some people cheat the system. If you cant get an ID here in America you do not deserve to vote.
That will help prevent dems from loading buses full of people and driving them around to vote at different sites.