willl cutting last 4-5 days more? roots coming out of rockwool.

i've started my first grow. Soil. white widow. two plants. I germinated the seeds and now they sit under a 600w HPS about 20 inches from soil. 18/6. I will be using Canna terra veg and then cannta terra flower for budding. The seeds have been under for one day now. Now my friend has give me a cutting from one of her plants it is about 4'' and in a rockwool cube. roots are starting to grow out the bottom. I want to wait until my seeds are about the same size then stick it under the light with them so they will all flower at the same time. will this work? the cutting sits on the window sill but will it last 5-6 days there? Sorry about posting a new thread about something that probably has been covered but i kinda need advice specifically for my situation. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
you dont have any floro's you can put your clone under? how old is the cutting now do you know how many days?

CFL bulbs are cheap and real easy to find. get a daylight spectrum bulb close to 6400k as you can find. put the cube in a solo cup w a small reservoir of RO water (0 PPM) in the bottom since you said the roots are already stretching out, and it will definitely last under the bulb for a few more days.


Well-Known Member
Honestly Man, I do all of my cloning outside and one time I left a tray of clones for a week and a half, after the roots were showing out of the peat pellets. It was 30C the whole week or so and I didn't water or anything and I didn't loose one. That being said though they do require a few hours of direct or strong lighting as well as shaded light, each day to remain healthy and vegging. So if your window sill get's a lot of direct sunlight or at least a few hours of direct light, than you'll be fine. If not put it outside somewhere semi shaded. I guarantee you it'll be fine for a week or two even though the hours are getting shorter. Good luck and don't stress the Rockwool with hold the plant for a couple weeks at least anyway.


Well-Known Member
i've started my first grow. Soil. white widow. two plants. I germinated the seeds and now they sit under a 600w HPS about 20 inches from soil. 18/6. I will be using Canna terra veg and then cannta terra flower for budding. The seeds have been under for one day now. Now my friend has give me a cutting from one of her plants it is about 4'' and in a rockwool cube. roots are starting to grow out the bottom. I want to wait until my seeds are about the same size then stick it under the light with them so they will all flower at the same time. will this work? the cutting sits on the window sill but will it last 5-6 days there? Sorry about posting a new thread about something that probably has been covered but i kinda need advice specifically for my situation. Thanks.
600w hps is far too much for the little seedlings. Turn it down and get it at least 3 feet away for now.

Unfortunately all plants are individuals, it is highly unlikely that you seedlings will "catchup". But don't worry about it, they will all grow in their good time and hopefully flourish.

The best advice I can give, is to start reading through the forums. There is a lot of good information here. The hardest thing is knowing the correct question to ask.


Well-Known Member
600w hps is far too much for the little seedlings. Turn it down and get it at least 3 feet away for now.

Unfortunately all plants are individuals, it is highly unlikely that you seedlings will "catchup". But don't worry about it, they will all grow in their good time and hopefully flourish.

The best advice I can give, is to start reading through the forums. There is a lot of good information here. The hardest thing is knowing the correct question to ask.
Not true at all...HiD lights make seedling grow way faster, the very same way they make an older plant grow faster... The idea that we can give too much light to these full sun loving plants never ceases to amaze me... As long as the bulb isn't close enough to burn the plant then the plant will be super happy and grow well.
ive got ten babies one is rooted well but the top looks dead shall i take it out the propergater or leave it till tghe rest show root ?


Well-Known Member
If you have clones- they will root... if you have rooted clones- get those bitches transplanted asap, they will grow! HPS light is fine, as long as they aren't too close for comfort; the light frequency from HPS/Halide is better for seedlings/clone sif you ask me but is a bit of overkill/waste of electricity. Regardless, if you must grow your roots longer before transplanting (Siigh) get them covered, HPS light will dry em out/tan them to death until they're shriveled little brown turds hanging out of your medium.

firsttimegrower1- take the cutting out of the propagator if it already has a decent mini root-mass, the plant will begin to grow once the roots are able to anchor down into something (soil, or hydro medium), leaving it in there any longer than necessary would just be holding your grow back. Good luck, if you have roots already then you're on you're way, the hard part is over- many new growers can't get roots to grow their first try, good job.
thanks b3rny ill do that today but i have one more question four of my babies are blue cheese and the stems have got loads of bubbles on them like they have swelled up is that were the roots will start to form
im planning on doing a scrog or (sog) i have ten clones 4 are from a flowering plant 6 from mother there in coco and have been 6 days now my question is why have my clones got bubbles on the stem ?is that were the roots start to grow and the leaves are turning yellow PLEASE HELP


Well-Known Member
thanks b3rny ill do that today but i have one more question four of my babies are blue cheese and the stems have got loads of bubbles on them like they have swelled up is that were the roots will start to form
Yessum, actually those are your roots. They just haven't grown into form yet, they look like acne or something gross right? (they're suppose to)


Well-Known Member
firsttimegrow1: I'm glad to hear that your babies are doing better now. The next time, cloning should be much easier for you- most people don't even make it as far as you did their 1st or 2nd time trying. Good job!