bud bootlegger
i didnt know work = syringe.
ah. yeah. i smoke weed
still this little round bottom purple piggly wanted crack. jj420 got it. her lingo w/ papi, mannerisms, tone, way she was walking, body language, ass jiggling, etc. = gimmie crack.
though i did cut through the bad lands today. drug boys here watch CNN so no work till after a stock check & a little wolf blitzer ...lol.
man, baby, to smoke crack with you gonna cost ...open air anal ...w/ a side order of lips, tongue, no teeth in that dirty alley.
then imma hit you with a beer bottle on the finish. wtf? im frisky like that.
i get propositioned on this route by drug boys flipping "the knod" too. & they aggressive sellers just let me say. even in motion on a bike they asking & running in your direction.if you gotta stop at a corner... its all Pz & Qz or you are sleeping on drama. im always worried when on a pork chop delivery or a bean haul ...imma get suspected by the man just telling these fuckfaces get away from me.
if the zombie apocolypse comes imma set fire to that section of town personally. pack of matches. scracth, scratch, poof. bye bye.
lol, yah, they can be pretty aggressive for sure gud.. some spots are worse then others though for reals.. when i was a kid i used to go to one set and there was so much competition to sell you'd have people throwing bags of assorted drugs in your car.. shit was way off of the hook..