What if the movie only told the truth from irrefutable facts, are you afraid of knowing the truth?
I'm sorry Beenthere, I didn't see that you had put your own words in my quote.
"are those vouchers voluntary" - I believe Romney claims that one could stay with medicare and not receive vouchers. So, unless the choice is permanent, I would take the vouchers until the price of the best care I could get matched the value of the voucher - then I would go back to medicare. I believe that everyone who doesn't have enough money to fill in the gap would do the same.
I don't know what the purpose of the ad was, except to demonstrate that a guy was the subject of hardship due to Bain's practices.
(like that answer Beenthere? that is the sort of answer I have gotten from you re statements made by republicans about OH and PA voting periods - rather unpalatable is it not?)
Yes, of course the add was intended to have people believe, without saying it, that the woman died as a result of lack of health insurance - it was not a very savory approach.
Will I admit Obama might have got into college...." I will have to admit that Beenthere, because of the word "might", he might be an alien from the planet Baccor as well. The point here is that it has been established to all but the nut cases, that Obama is a U.S. citizen and eligable to run for President, if for no other reason than the fact that he has already BEEN president.
"let's see a few" -
Obama has increased spending.
"Since President Obama assumed office three years ago, federal spending has accelerated at a pace without precedent in recent history"
Obama has raised taxes.
"He has already raised taxes on millions of Americans, but he won't stop there. He wants to raise taxes on millions more by taxing small businesses and job creators."
The Affordable Care Act cuts Medicare by $716 billion.
"There's only one president that I know of in history that robbed Medicare, $716 billion to pay for a new risky program of his own that we call Obamacare."
President Obama plans to gut welfare reform.
"Under Obama's plan, you wouldn't have to work and wouldn't have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check"
Beenthere, these are all outright lies from the Republican party, they aren't half truths, they aren't inuendo they are complete fabrications. How about you show me an equal number of lies eminating from the Obama campaign? Lies, now, not opinion, not supposition, even the "Romeny killed a woman" was not a lie, as it was never stated. The "Romney is a felon" is not a lie, we simply don't know if he is or not.
And note please Beenthere, that I gave you what you requested, I try to do that as often as possible, can I count upon you to do the same?