Well-Known Member
ok i have nuffin to lose or gain i didnt buy any nor will i sell any or intend to buy any, yeah its prob worth the 80 a oz but in NO way is it real afghan goldseal its the fake shit they been making for years, prob just a tad better better than some of the fake but fake all the same.It tastes great even with my lack of ability to taste when smoking, and smells awesome, but it doesn't get you mashed like a hash should. Given the price i cannot complain, get's me nice and mellow, but i like that "hang on a second guys while i find somewhere to sit" reaction to a good hashAs i say though, for the price i cannot complain, it just about works, and i mean hell, kuroi brought a quater of blueberry cheese from a dealer in london and sure, it knocked me onto my arse, quite literally, at £80 a quarter i couldn't help but laugh, somepepople don't seem to have an issue with being ripped off, it's only weed ffs.
Meaning you get what you pay for, £80 for an ounce of hash is a fantastic price tbh, and i've never understood hash prices, logically if it's top notch stuff it should be like 5 times the amount as weed, but at £80 for an ounce, you get what you payfor, cheap and cheerful, mellows you out, this one get;s me a bit spacy and chatting bollocks, but you're not high, and you know it. I have actually been smoking this and then driving, with good hash or weed that is generally a firm no no.
i didnt expect billy to no or say, no offence bill but you was gettin a whitey of .8 of liver 18months ago and fully admit smoke is not your thing, scotia i thought even having our postal differences put aside a lil better but you are claiming this to be real goldseal BOLLAX the cheap price and the half gram ya nicking from o's prob is the reason lmao yeah im wrecked but no offense ne1 that claims this to be real goldseal aint got a fucking scooby............