Some good news to brighten your weekend


Well-Known Member
You can literally smell the fear coming from the administration, the MSM and the "lemmings" (that was for you UB) on this site over the election. They know their horseshit isn't passing muster with the voters and they're getting more maniacal and desperate as we approach the election.

Then I ran across this little gem on The Blaze, but I used the same story from the HuffPost to avoid the inevitable squawking and meme posting from the resident nitwits that infest this section (I'm sure it will happen anyways.)

Oh, London. Get that signature ready, my friend. I have big plans for it.
Ya know, as much as I dislike Obama I am not sure it will be good for the Republicans if Mitt spanks Dear Leader in November. The country is headed for some very hard times and the blame for that is gonna fall on the shoulders of the sitting president...

I do think Mitt would be a little bit better than Obama for several reasons. I will cite just one reason: Mitt's election will, "throw the bum out", then we can get busy throwing Mitt out.
Ya know, as much as I dislike Obama I am not sure it will be good for the Republicans if Mitt spanks Dear Leader in November. The country is headed for some very hard times and the blame for that is gonna fall on the shoulders of the sitting president...

I do think Mitt would be a little bit better than Obama for several reasons. I will cite just one reason: Mitt's election will, "throw the bum out", then we can get busy throwing Mitt out.

You don't actually believe we will eventualy run out of bums do you?
You can literally smell the fear coming from the administration, the MSM and the "lemmings" (that was for you UB) on this site over the election. They know their horseshit isn't passing muster with the voters and they're getting more maniacal and desperate as we approach the election.

Then I ran across this little gem on The Blaze, but I used the same story from the HuffPost to avoid the inevitable squawking and meme posting from the resident nitwits that infest this section (I'm sure it will happen anyways.)

Oh, London. Get that signature ready, my friend. I have big plans for it.

error 500.
looks like they removed the offending page lets see that other link, im intrigued

and now it's back. fuckin huffington post. is 3/4 ads and flashing java banners,, the rest is halfbroken scripts and retarded commentary by marlo thomas (That Girl? Really? shes a journalist now? why not Ed Asner? he was great on Lou Grant)
It's pretty obvious things have changed positively for the Republicans recently and I think the addition of Ryan has truly helped their position. He is a much better communicator than Romney, easily the most intelligent of the 4 (pres,vp and candidates) and that's why he was chosen: 1) the debt is going to become a larger and larger issue in the coming months and NO one has a handle on it better then Ryan and 2) he can communicate, CLEARLY, to the common man is laymans terms. None of the spin shit that tends to happen on both sides. I predicted in an earlier thread that Romney would pull away after the debates to a fairly wide margin. People want a leader, not a blamer and that's all Obama has become. Time to take his Chicago politics back to IL because it's not readily accepted elsewhere and people are starting to resent it......
320 to 218 for Romney sounds good to me. I love the smell of progressive tears in the morning.


Mitt Romney
Barack Obama

243.8+6.3 since Aug. 15
294.2-6.3 since Aug. 15

270 to win


Going to be a tight one for sure, we need a business man in office this time. Budget needs to be complete and the congress will never pass any put in by the dems.
Much respect for him as he was elected but party is over.
Going to be a tight one for sure, we need a business man in office this time. Budget needs to be complete and the congress will never pass any put in by the dems.
Much respect for him as he was elected but party is over.

no, we need somebody who has read and understood our constitution in office, somebody who is not a slave to the interests that got him elected,, and somebody with the prunes to say FUCK YOU to the bigmouth lobbyists on all sides of every issue and decide using a brain not a checkbook.
You can literally smell the fear...

The biggest thing that stands out is Obama team has spend 6x the amount of Romney each month and losing ground. That is not good for an incumbent it shouldn't already be a close race. They're trying everything and they can't shift the polls.
The biggest thing that stands out is Obama team has spend 6x the amount of Romney each month and losing ground. That is not good for an incumbent it shouldn't already be a close race. They're trying everything and they can't shift the polls.

With Obama, you know what you're going to get: anti american, anti business, anti white, anti Israel, anti constitution, anti drug, and a flat out liar...............

I'll take my chances with the new guy. He can't be half as bad IMO.....