Haveing trouble tranceplanting


Well-Known Member
hay guys i posted a thread on here not so long ago about my plant being root bound or not i trance planted one in to this IMG_0364.jpg you can see it in the background but as i was trance planting it i turned the plant back up right to put it in the bigger pot and most of the root ball came apart maybe i should have gave it some water but i didn't want to to do that in case it never came out of the pot so with the other one you can see in the orange pot witch is tallier than the one i trance plant before so i'm more worried about trying to turn it up side down and also worried about ripping the roots out if i just pull it out so have any one got any ideas or simple way i could do this that would help thanks :leaf::leaf:peace


Active Member
This is only my opinion.

I wouldn't worry about those roots too much. When I transplant I always loosen up the roots and if some tear no worries she'll grow more vigerouse
roots.One time i ripped half the roots off and was worried like hell till I saw her take off with amazing growth.


Well-Known Member
thank guys i like to try and pull it from the pot and put it in a new pot with out having to turn it up side down so any body got any easy way i could do this thank again


Well-Known Member
look deeply into the pot.................focus on the hole....................breathe deeply..................you are now trance planting


Well-Known Member
thank guys i like to try and pull it from the pot and put it in a new pot with out having to turn it up side down so any body got any easy way i could do this thank again
Boxcutter to the outside of the pot (looks like it is plastic), make 2 incisions opposite each other, and split the pot apart.
That should give you plenty of room to pull the rootball out for transplanting.
Lmfao but to take it seriously,...... i think chuck has the best advice if your not confident in tipping it over. I really wouldnt worry about it...when you tip it unside down you dont want it soaked and you dont want it bone dry....best advice i can give


Active Member
I think watering before transplanting is a bad idea because it makes the soil even heavier and it falls apart even more IME. As dry as possible is the best IMO. Squeeze the sides of the pot and "roll" it between your hands to get everything seperated from the sides of the container. If you have a good rootball you shouldn't even need to turn it upside down, just grab the base of the stalk and lift the whole thing out,

Another thing you could consider is the "BOG method" of transplanting where you just cut the bottom off the container that the plant is in and set it directly on top of the next container, so the roots grow down into it. Then you only water the bottom container.


Well-Known Member
thats exactly why i buy plastic bag pots i just take a razor to them and peal like an orange then put in larger black pot. I would do from start if i could afford the amounts of soil necessary
u can soak it with b1 solution and prevent any transplant shock
thwey sell gallon jugs at home depot


Well-Known Member
thank a lot every one so far i know this i off topic but i also have these clones i took i have sprayed them for 7-8 days now and whe i turnd it upside down to cheack if there was any roots bedding in to the soil i tapped it to make it slide out of the pot and the clone came out but on the end of the clone where it was cut and dipped in root powder their is a big white lump/ball is that roots or is it because the soil was not in contact with the stem all the way around and bottom i done the same thing i all was do and after about a week there are root but this happend this time any info thanks :leaf:
p.s. i put i to some root hormone water and put some more powder in the hole i have also cut the bottom yellow fan leaves off to give it a bit more energy.