i would like some critiques, tpis, hits and anything that would be helpful


ok so i have 9 plants i started 38 days ago, and i started flowering them 7 days ago. ill post pics. i topped them three days ago not knowing you should do this before you start the 12/12 cycle they look about the same as they did before (health wise).

i havent used any nutes or fertilizers just water. the soil to germinat sucked, it was super clumpy so the roots on three got harmed (still alive) and the soil i have them in now was from a different plant (not cannabis).

i have one cfl 65w with a spec of 2700. i have another light but i dont know what kind it is its got a smaller screw part so i dot have a bulb for it would like to know what it is if anyone knows

id also like to know if they look normal (healthy) iv seen other plants and mine just seem puney in compariso


Grown n Oregon

Active Member
here is my honest opinion and i hope u dont take it personally. those plants are about as lanky and scroney as a plant can be. they need light...more light! put the lights u do have right on top, or in the middle of the plants. the way u got the light now is making the top of the plant strech for light and not growing "bush" or branches. my suggestion, take them out of 12/12 right now and start re-vegging them. looking at the stems on these plants, u will be lucky if they can support the very little bud they will produce without falling over...and thats a big IF. im not knocking ya dude, u just need to freshen up on some basic technical issues before some of the small problems now, become bigger later.


i was gunna put them bake in the 12/12 but someone saim it would be to much stress cause i topped them


Active Member
they are such hardy plants they can survive even when it seems like you are trying to kill them. It looks like the cfl bulb is alright but the other light should be a cfl also, the bigger the better, but the big cfls arent cheap. get some duct tape or duck tape, tinfoil if thats the best you can do, unplug the light and make a reflector to concentrate the light, then watering is the next issue. one cfl like that would be good for a small seedling or 2 they have light deficiency. good luck, trial and error, learn from it


Well-Known Member
A good rule of thumb from what Ive read and have been told is to have 3 cfls per plant. During veg you would want cfls in the 5000-6700k or a mix of 2700k and 6700k (23-26 watts) or get an hps light system. (Depending on your grow space/airflow etc) Use rain water whenever you can its has nitrogen. But yeah like the other guys said those plants are starving for light. If I were you I would turn the lights horizontal too that will give out more lumens. What I did when I started was I went to Home Depot and got 2 light fixtures that you can put 3 bulbs in. So I had 6 bulbs for 2 plants. As they got bigger I went and got more cfls and some Y fixtures. The good thing about the cfls is you can put them pretty close to the plants and not burn them maybe 2 inches away.

The best tip I can give you over all is READ READ READ READ. 2 mos ago I didnt know anything about growing, This site has an answer to every question you have. Good Luck man


Well-Known Member
Scrap these, if your serious about growing then you'll do some research into what it takes to do it successfully. If you dont, unless you can read by that light your wasting electricity.