10x10 ROOM what now?


Well-Known Member
Here's some question to ask your self

What kinds of light do you want to use?
Are you willing to pay $200+ for 1 light bulb then have to shell out more for a blast and air intake?
Do you want to be able to have lights close to your plants with out having to worie about burning them?
How many plants do you want to have going?
Do you want to have an area for Flowering a nother area for moms , a nother area for veg a nother area for clones?


Well-Known Member
what you need to post along with room size, is budget you have for this, ans your ability to refit equipment. (I.E. is it a rental place, do you own?) i can give you 3 or 4 layouts for that amount of space. it all comes down to how much you want/can spend, and your availability to a vent system, or if you can add 1, if it is your own place.


Active Member
Sorry guy ill be more specific.

10x10 room
Budget is about 5k, 6 at most.
I want to grow Sog style with no veg time So i need a little space for my mother and clones.



Well-Known Member
If I were you I think htat this would be a nice way to go.
*Vertical* 2,000watts = 6lbs!! ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)

Or take a look at geting a harvest every two weeks


Well-Known Member
Are you woried about your power bill?
How tall is your grow space?
If you have enough Veritacal hight to grow 2 plants (ove above the other) do you want to do that?

here's an example of how you can grow using CFL lights


Well-Known Member
with 5-6k the world is your oyster, you can pretty much grow in any style you want. Just look around the site read up and prepare yourself for a lot of work and pounds of delicious sweet smellin tomatoes.


Well-Known Member
Even with the information you gave us, it's a very vague question. You can do alot of things with 5k and a 10x10 room. You could do everything from growing one gigantic plant, to a production of hundreds of plants. Regardless, I think it would be better to read up on some of the threads of what other people have done. Get a feel for what CAN be done and then decide what you WANT to do. but generally speaking, do you own your house? How much time are you willing to spend setting the grow up? How much time are you willing to use to maintain the grow per day? How much growing experience do you have? How high tech are you wanting to go?

The simplest thing I can offer for you is to get some good seeds, a pot, a bag of soil, and a 1,000 watt HPS light, hook all of it up and grow like 10 plants or something. From there, if that is enough, stick with that. If you want more, double the plants. Tired of soil, then go hydro. Want to try something new, buy an omega or try a vertical grow. Repeat the process untill you are recieving the return that you would like, you spent as much as you are willing to, or you are spending as much time as you are willing to. The possibilities are endless and it really just depends on the individual.


Well-Known Member
id do two rooms soil grow. one 600w hps and one 600w mh. you can have a harvest every week if you want. so diesel


Well-Known Member
With that much mula I would put about 2000w HPS hanging in the room for flowering. Get vented hoods for each 1000w er, run and intake/outake on the room/lights, get a carbon filter to filter the outtake. For veg room, maybe get a hydro hut or something of that sort and stick it in the corner, they are already completely clacked out, most have pre made holes for venting, and it would make building a veg room easy as fuck. Then, idk, after that graw medium and strain is all personal preference. If you want sog I might think go for a bunc of ebb and flow table and fill them to their brim. Soil works well for SOG too but you end up dealing with a lot of pots/soil. hope that helps a bit, good luck.


Well-Known Member
I'll jump in here for just a minute. If I were setting up that size room, and I have, I would plan the physical plant first. You are going to want a rotation of four flowering table so set it up around that idea. The necessary eletrical, plumbing, sewer and air handling systems all need to be planned and installed first. It would be handy to know more than just the size of the space, a picture could be helpful if it shows the type of structure you have so ventilation issues can be addressed as well. A lot of how well this will fit your $5 to $6K budget, would depend on what you have to do to supply the electric power for this operation, I had to have new electric service, mine was only 60amp, code requires 100amp so you may not need that upgrade. You will also need operating capitol for about 6 months, maybe a little longer.
A few have suggested a journal I would advise you read, its posted by Al B Fuct, Get A Harvest Every Two Weeks If you are interested in some lighting options you may want to view one of my journals and there are some posted using LED lighting, I would recommend anyone starting with you budget check those out as well. VV


Active Member
Thanks for all the suggestions

Im acutally going to fallow Al b set up exacly.

Iv been reading the forum and see alot about amps..like 60 amp 120 amp or 240 amp, im not sure what i have but if i have a 60 or 120 how to i change it to a higher one like 240. Do i call a electrician? or do i have to buy somthing?



Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the suggestions

Im acutally going to fallow Al b set up exacly.

Iv been reading the forum and see alot about amps..like 60 amp 120 amp or 240 amp, im not sure what i have but if i have a 60 or 120 how to i change it to a higher one like 240. Do i call a electrician? or do i have to buy somthing?

if you want to up it then you might ahve to get things wired to handel that much, if you have the space to do the 2 high idea then that might be better to if you can do that and if you want more yeilds


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Me Id get 2 4x8 foot flood tables,2 400gph water pumps, 2 50 galloon res,4 600 watt digital lights,2 intellidrive 3.0 light movers, 2 tandem bars,64 6 inch square pots,50 lbs hydroton,4x4 rockwool cubes, a co2 generator and get to work. Thats 68 plants in a sog style under 4 600 watt lights.Under $3000 for everything and should yield big every 6-8 weeks


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the suggestions

Im acutally going to fallow Al b set up exacly.

Iv been reading the forum and see alot about amps..like 60 amp 120 amp or 240 amp, im not sure what i have but if i have a 60 or 120 how to i change it to a higher one like 240. Do i call a electrician? or do i have to buy somthing?

Its easy to find out what service you have. Open your electric panel and look at the main switch, its labeled. Lets just pretend its say 100 (may or may not say amps.) You have 100 amp service. This has nothing to to with the 120 and 240 that you are talking about. What this means is the wiring to your house is capable of giving you 100 amps of power to use in powering all things electric. The 120 and 240, or in the US 110 and 220 we talk about are the volts of power used. For our purposes it would mean instead of hooking up a,b and c you would also have too hook up d. You achieve 220 volts of power by combining (2) seperate 110 volt lines with a ground and a grounded wire, hench d is necessary. I don't recommend the 220 for the US. Nothing wrong with it except our 220 equipment costs more, its not our norm. If you are not comfortable with doing wiring at this point there are some things you could have an electrician do that would not raise a flag, like wire a line for an electric stove or dryer in the room you want to use. Then you could make a control panel similiar to the one Al has used for years in his operation. Yours would be a little different, the idea would be the same. I guess it really depends on who you personally know and how much you would trust them. I just recommend having a plan for that first, Safety is number one, and with all the water flying around a grow room...... There is a thread about electrical questions and the guy that started that one is an electrician, I am not. I did wire the grow room, I put in 200amp service, it was only a few hundred more than the 100amp service. I have 10 seperate 20 amp 110 volt circuits to run my operation. Thats four flood and drain tables, with lights air pumps, pumps fans etc. AFter you do one you just repeat the process. If you decide you can do some of this yourself, buy a book on it and always remember, TURN OFF THE SWITCH FIRST!! Turn it off at the breaker, do the work, turn it on at the breaker. If there is a problem it will turn itself off, you will not get hurt. Safety first. VV


Well-Known Member
I'd vote for a stadium style setup!!!!! I would love to do one


dodger stadium sized!!!

then there might be a little leftover to share with friends! i am a GREADY, heavy smoker.