First of all, I know what I did in the first place is wrong and I do not want to be lectured on how I shouldnt shoplift. Yesterday, I was caught shoplifting a pair of pants I needed for a job and I didnt have the money to buy it. Well I got caught, and they searched my purse. Inside I had a pill bottle with less than a gram, mostly shake and stems. I also had my boyfriend's green bay packers bowl (which when he finds out the police took it, will be very upset). Well they wrote me two summons, one for shoplifting (which is my second offense
) and another one for possesion of marijuana code number 18.2-250.1. They didn't write me for a paraphenalia charge, which I thought they would of. I currently have a restricted license with some limitations. two years ago I also had a charge with possesion of controlled substance for my adderall. I didnt have the prescription handy at the time of the charge, but it was later dropped and I had to do vasap. Can I fight this? Could I also get a court appointed attorney before my court date? I know I will need an attorney for this. Another question I have is will these charges show on my public record, like the court websites? I do not want anyone to stuble upon it. I have saught online legal advice about this. I'm just really scared at this point. Thank you.