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i stole a dog

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Well-Known Member
maybe if you give them a pet deposit???? and talk them into it lol de-clawed cat only probably..
Yes, my mom mentioned something similar to me. I've only lived here for a week now, lol, but once I've built a rapport with my landlord I am going to offer him some sort of pet deposit. Unless he's just a major douche, which I don't think he is, hopefully he'll accept it.


Well-Known Member
Yes, my mom mentioned something similar to me. I've only lived here for a week now, lol, but once I've built a rapport with my landlord I am going to offer him some sort of pet deposit. Unless he's just a major douche, which I don't think he is, hopefully he'll accept it.
most landlords will accept it.. just make it a really mellow pet


Well-Known Member
My family is all about Maine Coon cats. My parents have two, my sister has one, my cousin has one, my uncle has another, and another uncle has another. It all started with the original one my parents bought (Thomas). They're the biggest and nicest cats in the world.

We had dogs when I was growing up, so I love both cats and dogs.

Sadly I can't have any pets in my apartment... so no cat or dog for me :(.
Maine Coons are awesome. The hair must get everywhere. People are stealing them too :sad:

Its so sad to see those bloody posters EVERYWHERE. ... Its the only thing pushing me towards getting mongrel cat, but I like pedigrees :wall:

I'm not a 'House' cat person.


Well-Known Member
Maine Coons are awesome. The hair must get everywhere.

Actually, you might be surprised. They really only shed in "clumps". And the only areas that gather hair are their favorite sleeping spots. So if they usually sleep on chair A, then yes, chair A is going to have a lot of cat hair on it. Other than that though, if you pick them up or whatever, you're not going to be left covered in hair, which is surprising.

And yeah, all the Maine Coons that I know are very much house cats... just because they're so expensive that it seems reckless or dangerous to let them outside.


Well-Known Member
from a homeless guy.... if you cant take care of yourself you cant have a damn dog, i seen this dog outside hess and subway tied to bike for like 3 weeks every night.. meet fender
View attachment 2302813
Honestly dude youre a piece of shit. How do you know how well the guy does or does not take care of his dog. What makes you the judge and jury of this guys life and if he should have a dog or not?

asshole asshole asshole


Well-Known Member
nah im just surprised so many people dont give a shit about people taking care of other things if they cant even handle themselves... i got food i got a house i got a vet.. that dude got a rusty ass bike and maybe an old mattress dragged into the woods
wow my first response was a snap judgement that you were and asshole....after reading this now I have changed my mind.

U sir, are a pretentious waste of life.
Who the fuck raised you to think just because you have more then someone else youre better then they are.
I really hope your actions have some repercussion cause you really dont deserve that dog or any of the other shit you so proudly lord over others to make yourself feel like a bigger person.


Active Member
I hope karma acts swiftly you self-righteous prick. I've seen many homeless people with dogs and typically the dogs eat better than the person. Sincerely go fuck yourself.


Ursus marijanus
Sire, the Midnight Inquisitors have arrived ... and I'm afraid they marched right past the buffet you'd ordered. cn


Active Member
Having just lost a great K9 friend to cancer. One whom was always there when I needed a shoulder and whom later died in my arms while having her euthanized; I have to add another comment. Go fuck yourself. If you have a shred of decency in your sorry excuse of a human body, you will take the dog to the vet, get it checked out and have it's shots taken care of (at your cost) then return it to it's rightful owner with enough food for the dog to eat for a month. On top of that, supply the man with a gift card for a local pet store so he can continue to feed it. And while you're at it give the MAN a SINCERE apology and offer him a shower and a hot meal. I know none of this will happen because you are better than him because of your possessions and your minuscule excuse of a set of testicles and your shriveled embarrassment of a penis won't allow you to have what it takes to admit when you're wrong. God damn I cant put a proper sentence together right now I'm so pissed. Never mind what I've said. Just return the dog and then jump in front of a train you sorry useless decrepit piece of shit.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Wouldn't you guys take a baby from a homeless person? I would.. Sure a puppy is on a different level, but it's on the same moral level.
No that is kidnapping.

I have taken a dog before but the dog was obviously being neglected. The owners left the dog in their yard while they went on vacation. It was snowing and the dog's water bowl was frozen solid. This situation is a little different. The dog isn't in any immediate danger that you know of, and that guy might be worried sick about him. If you were so concerned about the dog maybe you should have confronted him and asked if the dog was cared for, maybe offer a helping hand to get some flea medication and/or some dog food. It seems to me that there are thousands of animals marked for death with no one to care for them that you could have adopted, but you decided to steal one instead. I think maybe calling animal control to come out and assess the situation, and informing them of your willingness to adopt the dog if they found it was neglected would have been a better choice.

Well enjoy the dog I guess. Let us know what happens when the man sees you walking his dog on the street, where he sleeps.


Well-Known Member
I totally get how pissed people are at reading the OP. Honestly, my heart started beating fast.

I can't argue its just not worth it and OP sounds like a nice guy. but he's wrong about taking from somebody with less.

I may be wrong but I think he knows this deep down. Lets tell him without issuing insults, that way 'our' words might be respected.


Active Member
Dang, stole a dog from a homeless person... you know majority of homeless are mentally ill? so you stole a mentally ill persons best friend; and who are you to say they cannot take care of a dog? of course their would be fleas; they most likely slept outside.

but whatever, your judgement was better than anyone elses; for fuck sakes you couldve saved a dog from the pound.Adopt_Me.jpg

nah stealing from a homeless guy who prob couldnt do anything about it even if he confronted you was cheaper.

fuck yourself.


Well-Known Member
Fender's adorable! How's he adapting? Are they getting along well I hope he's not got too much street in him yet but pm me if you need to!

I have only glanced through the thread, did you tell them that he wasn't feeding it? Even when he had some food to share and that he made it stay all night long chained to his bike while he sleeps under the bridge?

I don't agree with just taking a dog from a dude for being homeless ever but I do agree with taking them from assholes always!


Active Member
No that is kidnapping.

It seems to me that there are thousands of animals marked for death with no one to care for them that you could have adopted, but you decided to steal one instead
Exactly. Hell of a lot more noble of an act to adopt a dog that no one wants rather than steal one from someone who in your eyes has nothing.

i left a 50 dollar bill in the bikes little basket
You, are, a, fucking, liar. This would have been included in your initial soapbox rant if it were true. You're just trying to justify your selfless act of douchebaggery. Fucking materialistic prick. That MAN is more free than you will ever be. I hope you are kidnapped by someone who's solely decided your partner isn't taking good enough care of you. And after doing so you choke to death on a shitcovered ball-gag while being ass-raped by the "liberator" that freed you from your neglectful partner; you fucking loser. It would also be nice if the dog were to take a shit in your mouth while you are sleeping. And for good measure; go fuck yourself.

I hope what you've done haunts your dreams the remainder of your useless life.




Well-Known Member
I personally thinks it's phucked up that you took the dudes dog.
1) you don't know all the facts about this dog and his prior owner. Maybe when he (the prior owner) found the dog it was in a much worse situation. Maybe it was in a locked car with the windows up dieing from the heat, or in a gunnie sack left for dead, or maybe hit by a car and the dude saved it. Your just assuming and you knows what happens when you assume!
2) Many people are homeless because of mental illness, bad situations, the economy, many reasons why people are homeless. Just because someone is homeless doesn't mean he's lazy piece of shit like your making him out to be. It's a tough world out there.
3) I call bullshit on leaving a $50 bill in the dudes basket, I think your trying to make yourself look good here on this forum after hearing peoples comments. If you DID leave that $50 bill you would have mentioned it on the fist page and not page 6. Explain why you left the $50 bill then?
4) Sounds like you live in an apartment, what kind of life is that for a dog? A big dog at that!
5) If you took my dog I would hunt you down like the thief you are and you would pay for it in a bad way. There are other ways to go about it, stealing is not one of them. Sounds to me like you have being a thief rated lower on your list then being homeless. There's no law that says you can't be homeless, but there's laws about stealing someones property.
6) I think if you truly feel the need to help the pet situation out in this country, go to an animal shelter and adopt an animal that's headed to the gas chamber. You know those animals are facing certain death. Dudes dog was being fed and was cared for, and loved. Just because you didn't agree for the care it was given, or the food it was fed it was still loved and gives you know right to steal him.
7) If things were that bad for the dog I'm sure at the first opportunity it would have ran away from it's owner long ago.

That's the problem with this country, everybody wants to stick his nose where it doesn't belong.
"OMG I just looked over this dudes fence and I seen pot plants in his yard. No doper can give a dog a good home, I think I'll steal the dog and save his life, the owner is high on drugs and that dog can't be cared for correctly".
Sounds crazy don't it? if not I guess we need to take that dog from you, and your other dogs too!


Well-Known Member
Something like that happening could easily push someone over the edge. Dude may end up doing Tony Scott.

I say give it back and tell him you found it. Please.
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