Confederate Flag Wavers = Traitors

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    Originally Posted by dtp5150
    and you wonder why america has fallen, idiots, you deserve your fate

    please tell me one thing usa is #1 at? besides worthless olympic medals, absolutely nothing

    oh, we "know" how to spend money

I spent 6 years of my life doing a job at times I fucking hated all so that I can stand for what I believe my country represents and for the good of my fellow country men, women and family's. It blows my mind when I see people type shit like this because the exact thing I want to ask them is "What have you done for your country to try to make it a better place for you, your family and friends?" Instead I hear the absolute contempt people have for their country like a bunch of spoiled kids who resent their parents. They would rather sit with their arms crossed and let others try to fix it for them. Yea the USA has some issues to work through but we are no where near over yet.

As to the Confederate flag. It represents a way of life, Pride and values. It has nothing to do with racism. Kinda like there are assholes who fly the American flag and say stupid things that make us look bad but they do not represent the USA as a whole. Same thing goes with the people who fly the confederate flag and tie in racism. That not what the flag is about. The flag just has a bad stigma associated with it.

Sorry to burst your bubble
Jingoism doesnt work
I did my time in the military also
And you and I both know that waving a confederate flag is the same thing as running around with a swastika in a jewish summer camp
You can claim all you want about what you think it represents
But you damn well know how people perceive it
What side carried it
And what was at the root of what they were fighting for
How could there be former Confederates in 1849? cn

southern sympathithzers and southern citizens in 1849, and after the civil war, many former confederate citizens fled the south to escape the carpet baggers and the reformation. california was a large recipient of those post-bellum southerners as was texas arizona and utah.
confederacy denied states rights to free slaves. you couldnt be in the confederacy without the state supporting forever the enslavement of fellow citizens, and the view that some people are worthy of more rights than other people.

I'd say that was a significant factor.

the confederacy did not oppose manumission of your own bondsmen you tool.
does anyone else find it ironic that the south claimed to want "states' rights" while performing an enormous federal power grab with the fugitive slave act to usurp other states' rights?
I see that shit all the time where I live. Kind of makes me mad at how oblivious they are about their own icon. Every time I ask someone "you know that can be offensive, right?" You always get the same generic response. You don't look cool driving a F250 with a 4 foot confederate flag waving around. Its like look at me everybody i know were the moon shine is, I have a cameo trucker hat and Boots. I like to go mudding and drink PBR

"Its not even about that man, Its about remembering those who fought and died in the civil war."

also popular " Naw its bout being proud to live in the southern part of america"


i see why people can see that flag as offensive. despite my propensity to seek out bigots, i don't find it offensive personally. and i don't think it's some kind of giveaway for a bigot. i think a lot of people who proudly display it are just too dumb to get that it might actually offend people.
i see why people can see that flag as offensive. despite my propensity to seek out bigots, i don't find it offensive personally. and i don't think it's some kind of giveaway for a bigot. i think a lot of people who proudly display it are just too dumb to get that it might actually offend people.

Well I forgot to mention that the people who tell me these answers are being genuinely honest. Its not like they are hiding behind it as an excuses, so they can secretly parade around as a bigot. They just grew up with the symbol

"Its not even about that man, Its about remembering those who fought and died in the civil war."

also popular " Naw its bout being proud to live in the southern part of america"