I would be an asshole


Active Member
My wife hardly ever wants to have sex anymore. She always says she doesn't feel good. Now she has valid reason to say so. Her knees always hurt. her skin disorder always hurts. Most of the time when I make my moves she starts in with how she doesn't feel good etc. I roll over and say no problem. I don't want to be a asshole about it cause she might really not feel well. It's gotten to the point where I don't even want to try to have sex out of fear of getting shot down.

We talked about this the other day. It was bothering me so much that I couldn't keep it hidden. When I told her that I did mind her not having sex with me she threw me a pity fuck that day and the next day. Then on the 3rd day with a tone in her voice that I didn't like she asked are you going to have sex with me today. I said no.

Well today is my birthday. We have always had a tradition where I get a blow job on my birthday. Two years ago she gave me a blow job but the last year and today nothing. Agian she said I don't feel good. She is also on her period. Which for what ever reason she only gets like two times a year.

The other day we where talking about the proper name for a slotted screwdriver. I call it a slotted screwdriver they want to call it a flat head screw driver. So she was in the shower while i was talking to her about it and she brought up the birthday blow job and I agreed that it was a flat head.

So while she was at walk last night I made sure that I was groomed and smelling nice and all the jazz. Time for bed. i don't feel good sorry.

I just want to fucking scream! I know that I can't say much with out being an asshole. if I haven't spent all day thinking about getting one it would have been fine.

So I rolled over in bed and said no problem. Then I laid there for 2 hours while she was sleeping. I was so pissed that I couldn't sleep.

I have tired to hint to her that even if she doesn't want to have sex how about a hand job. no dice. She tells me to take care of it.

But then she says I can't look at porn. (We have had fights about it in the past) Thanks Firefox Private mode!

But unless I want to be the asshole that leaves his (slightly) ill wife cause she will not have sex every time then I am stuck with her.

We went to bed at 11:30. I got out of bed at 1:30 and its 4:30 now.
sucks man. how long have you two been married?

i just got over one of these phases with the wife a few months back. she legitimately wasn't feeling well though, couldn't really eat anything, even plain rice, without getting ill. that lasted for months. just about lost my mind.
i went through this with an exgf of 7 years.. she never wanted to bang, and i'd always feel like an asshole for asking all the time...

that is strange she don't want to do anything now she has her period, as ime, women tend to be a bit more rammy when aunt flo comes over to visit..

hate to ask this, but are you sure she's not cheating?? it's very rare that a women's sex drive will simply cease to exist, unless maybe she's at menapasue age or something similar, or there is a biological reason why sex is uncomfortable for her or something along those lines..
if she enjoyed sex with you in the past and this is only a recent thing, i'd be a bit worried..
Ask her assistance in outsourcing ... cn

i hate to say it, but i think either the man or woman should be allowed to stray if their significant other refuses to do the deed after so long cn..

sex isn't everything, but it's something that is surely needed in a marriage imo, just how often depends on the couple obviously..
Hey dude, that totally sucks. And I am a chick so maybe of a little more help then those bozos :blsmoke:

How old are you and how long have you been married? My first thought is maybe menopause? along with her other ailments...

How long has she been a prude?

Is she normally ready to go? I mean is this really really weird for her? Are the BJ's normally only on the 1 day a year?

What is her honesty track record?

Do you remember anything even the tiniest of things maybe she was not happy about around the time she stopped? especially something you think is trivial but happens frequently?
You are not an asshole.

But you will feel like one after what I fear is playing out actually plays out.

Once a marriage starts deteriorating, one of the first things to go out the door is the nookie.

Whatever the reason, when a wife no longer wishes to engage in sexual congress with her husband for more than a temporary cut-off punishment, trouble is not far behind.

Your mission should you choose to accept it; is to discover the actual reason, and then decide if it is worth the trouble to address that reason - or hit the bricks.

Best of luck.
ya man just make jokes about hiring a gurl to take care of these pesky blowjobs so your ol'lady doesnt have to worry about it so much. and hey maybe you get lucky and she says its cool...

or just tell her you will get another wife just for sex but that she will still be your favorite one & she can be the main wife. The other wife will just be for sex, child bearing and dishes and stuff lol

but man for her to cut you off on sex and then think she has any say about you looking at porn?!!! your crazy if you let her do that to you. if you listen to her and not look at porn in plain sight in front of her then she will secretly lose all respect for you.

Women must be told boldly when they have crossed the line or they will take over every inch of your life and will lose all respect for you in the process

if she wont have sex with you thats fine, its her choice. But then you play porn proudly on your living room tv, at dinner time, every night, anytime and anyplace you wish and she aint got a thing to say about it, just tell her to buzz off :D

i bet she will drop her panties right there

J/K man all in jest good luck much love.
She's not cheating. We are both now 32. she is four months older. I have been told many times that cheating is the end. we have been married ten years now.
She's not cheating. We are both now 32. she is four months older. I have been told many times that cheating is the end. we have been married ten years now.

Your choice, then, comes into focus: sex, or marriage? It is not a straightforward one ... cn
She's not cheating. We are both now 32. she is four months older. I have been told many times that cheating is the end. we have been married ten years now.
Cheating may very well be the end.

But her cutting off the twang is the beginning of the end, unless you can discover different.

If she is constantly coming up with different excuses, have a care; because she is probably lying to cover the fact that she can't stand to be with you that way, for one reason or another.

Find out why she won't fuck you now, or deal with it later.
Birth control is notorious for killing sex drive in some women.. Yas for example. Just slip her a xanax and have at it.
She's not cheating. We are both now 32. she is four months older. I have been told many times that cheating is the end. we have been married ten years now.

how long has this been going on for, and how long have the injuries played into the equation?