I spent last winter on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. You can easily live there $1000.00 a month and it is great...no hunger there. Bocas Del Toros in Panama is nice too. There are a lot of cheap but beautiful places to live.
Easy to live on a boat. Hard owning one. Dry dock, repairs, bilge pumps and foul holds. Add storms and partying idiots and many places are not fit to live. But find a little place to tie up with electricity hookups dockside and someplace to dump your holding tank legally and cleanly and life could be way worse. Tired of your 'hood? Weigh anchor and get underway. With new GPS systems traveling in good weather you can easily move a little ways away or on down the coast. Little bicycle and maybe a scooter aboard and have wheels when in port.
I loved aboard a 42'er for most of my early adult life. Sailed the Caribbean extensively, both Central and S Americas as well. Back in the day, it was great. These days, an American "Coast Guard" Cutter can pull you over no matter where you are and board you, as many times as they care to. No more rights against search and seizure than you have in car, as the federal courts have deemed a vessel a "conveyance", no matter that it be your home. Banana Republic customs agents are pretty much squirrely at best, and corrupt.
Still and all, the life of a "boat nigger" is a good life, and I miss it a whole lot.
I have that ideal idea too!
So I went to google....house boats...found some for sale in tennessee....there is one house boat I would love to put 10 lights in for my hobby farm.
problem so far I have yet to win the lotto...the boat is 100 feet long and the owner wants...$460,000 dollars for her.