Help IDing these liberty caps

I stumbled upon this in a horse field after finding some cubensis. They were growing directly in the manure. They look like pale liberty caps to me but i found on that was at least 5 to 6 inches tall with a huge cap on it, I didnt think liberty caps got that big thats why I came here to get an opinion. I found them in manure in tall grass when I touch the top they starting turning blackish purple all over, the gills look like the liberty caps to me and i rubbed the gills and my finger had what appeared to be psylocibin on it. It was clearly purple. I took alot of pics and Id like help identifying these. ThanksIMG_1593.jpgIMG_3807.jpgIMG_4309.jpgIMG_5552.jpgIMG_5756.jpgIMG_6044.jpg


Active Member
if they were found in the uk they are too early as they would normally be found around the first frost unless they are from high altitude. i use a rule of thumb that they must shrink right down in size, normally the other shrooms which look similar wont shrink alot at all...
this is in GA in the united states. After heavy rain and humidity. And when I dried them they shrunk down alot. That still doesnt help though I need to know exactly what they are the bottom of the gills mach the liberty caps ive seen online but no sure anyone else no?


Well-Known Member
No fungus expert...picked some liberty caps years ago in Oregon..they kinda looked like that but be careful..would ask a local knowledgeable person first..before consuming any..even if some people on the net say it is good.


Active Member
Don't be stupid. if you eat random mushrooms looking to get high little good can come from it, and a lot bad may come just as easily. Don't be STUPID!
Do you honestly think I'd eat a random mushroom obviously I know what a liberty cap looks like I was clearly asking because they look identical to Psilocybe semilanceata so do there gills and print I was simply unsure because I've never seen one so big thought they stayed fairly small. Obviously that makes me retarded. Maybe input on why not to eat them and what makes you think these are poisonous. Obviously you don't have a clue as to what you are talking about. I'm looking for some who actually has experience with Psilocybe semilanceata to give me some input not ignorant remarks.


Active Member
I pick em every year around the first frost in the uk. i eat everything that shrinks up quickly and discard the rest, never had a bad shit from them but its hard to gauge the strength so i have had sum crazy fukin days. i normally know im on the money coz i start trippin while picking as it gets in my pores lol


Active Member
I simply mean you have to be really stupid to eat a mushroom you find with out 100% surety that it is what you want it to be. With that do you know how to identifie that specific species? you should start by researching the mushrooms that are close look a likes for your species around your area. then do a spores prent and compared & contrast. An im not ignorant, just letting you know it would not be smart to blindly eat those based on very little info you recive on this site.


Well-Known Member
I'm about to go hunt as we speak and I'm almost positive these are libs will post a print soon if these are libs ive got to many lmfao
They are most likely good to go bro ima help u when u get back huntin let me know lol and send me the pic of the spore print and ill hopefully be able to get u a def answer


Well-Known Member
Look. Seems you already know what they are. So go eat them. Just leave a key hidden outside your place somewhere. PM me with the keys location and your address. And make sure that you write a note stating that I can have all your earthly possessions. This way, if you happen to die. I can have all your stuff. Thanks. Now go eat em all. You pussy.


New Member
See that is what people that don't eat random mushrooms they find in a pile of shit call stupid.
Why are you replying on this thread talking about stupidity? He asked a legitimate question looking for a legitimate answer, if you don't have any valuable information you should probably just gtfo


New Member
Look. Seems you already know what they are. So go eat them. Just leave a key hidden outside your place somewhere. PM me with the keys location and your address. And make sure that you write a note stating that I can have all your earthly possessions. This way, if you happen to die. I can have all your stuff. Thanks. Now go eat em all. You pussy.
You're the pussy.... Pussy


Well-Known Member
I don't care how old it is, and what I wrote says "pissed" to you? Just get your shit together and learn something about something before you reply on threads like this ok bud?
Hey. You do the same. Glad that you can come here to vent over a 4 year old thread. That you weren't a part of.
I just love rehashing past issues and misunderstandings.
Good times.