She's Flowering but temperature is over 90°F in the UK and it's the same in my shed!


Well-Known Member
I've read a lot about the temp I should try to keep to during flowewing. My plants are in my shed - so when it rains I battle with humidity and when it's hot I battle with heat. We went out yesterday and when we got back the temp in my grow area was 36°C which is 97°F - Like a doughnut I neglected to turn the tube heater off as well last night and it was 32°C when I went in this morning, some say these temperature lower the THC content, some say she will stop growing because of heat stress (looking at them today it looks like there is masses of new growth) I flushed them both on Friday. What's the coo with too much heat? I can't be the only one who battles with high temperatures? I thought these buggers like hot weather?

Some pics from this morning - can you see the new growth? There is a lot.

Also - lets say the outside temp in the UK is 30°C that reading is taken in the shade of course; but if I put a temp gauge in the sun it is way higher - plants usually grow under the sun and not shade so what unshaded temperatures are acceptable?



Some strains are very heat resistant, but My advise - If you could get and ac or something to keep the temp under 30, that'd be great, Cannabis likes 20-30 degrees c.
From what I see, she is looking ok so far with that heat, a little bit too much nitrogen.
From what I see, she is looking ok so far with that heat, a little bit too much nitrogen.
Glad to hear that - I'm only using plain water on them both now so the should use up what nitrogen they have stored hopefully.
get some home made c02 generators in your shed next to the plant.c02 helps plants handle the heat more.but like stated above you might have a heat resistant strain.
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Looks good! I'm having heat up to and beyond 35*C in this stupid heat as well lol but they're looking good for it! Plenty of airflow is what helps as plants absorb more CO2 when the temp is high XD

Though for prolonged periods of heat you'll just have to wait and see how this weather pans out (I'm hoping it cools down soon : )

Stay Frosty!
get some home made c02 generators in your shed next to the plant.c02 helps plants handle the heat more.but like stated above you might have a heat resistant strain.
It never occured to me to make a co2 generator - good idea. The plants are Trainwreck. Thanks for your advice.
Looks good! I'm having heat up to and beyond 35*C in this stupid heat as well lol but they're looking good for it! Plenty of airflow is what helps as plants absorb more CO2 when the temp is high XD

Though for prolonged periods of heat you'll just have to wait and see how this weather pans out (I'm hoping it cools down soon : )

Stay Frosty!
It is a bit hot isn't it, I have em out in the sun at the mo. Thanks for your advice Matchbox.
Just a tad :) I wouldn't like to be running that hot for more than a few days... even though I have been for about a week now lol... If you were doing a C02 setup for a shed, you'll need more than the old yeast in sugar water trick, more like cannisters, C02 Fire extinguishers are (I think) cheaper than proper C02 tanks and can be rigged to a quick release thingy via a timer or some sort of device that measures amount of C02 in the air. I'm no expert on the matter as all I've done is the yeast business for my small scale ops :)
If you were doing a C02 setup for a shed, you'll need more than the old yeast in sugar water trick, more like cannisters, C02 Fire extinguishers
Yeah fook that! I stopped thinking about CO2 now it's cooled down a bit - I'll just sit in there with em with me bottle of Stella Cidre 'n' a spliff and burp and fart on em ;)
At least these girls dont moan like the wife when I fart on her; ssshhhhh!!!