Well-Known Member
Why do people defend politicians over their beliefs? We should be defending our philosophies instead of compromising them in order to push politicians we don't really agree with. Obama has said its time for open debate on marijuana, but offers no such debate. He has done nothing to further the cause to freely grow a plant, which we all do. Should you support Obama if you don't believe in federal prohibition and state intervention in mmj facilities the feds deem to have too many plants? Why would people on here support Romney, who told a man in a wheel chair that he is against medical marijuana? Why would a free marketeer support Romney and rail against Obama for individual mandates when they both implemented this healthcare policy? Why would someone who is against the police state support either one of these candidates, who supports NDAA and the Patriot Act? Why would someone who is anti war support Obama, who continuously intervenes overseas and deems his administration to have the authority to assassinate? Why would a free marketeer support Romney/Ryan, when they both pushed for the wallstreet bailouts? Why would someone who believes in the free market make an exception that monetary policy should be controlled and support Rmoney? Why would someone who supports equality, vote for Obama who legislates people unequally? We really need to stop compromising and getting behind people that we don't fully support, out of fear of the opposition. We need to stop making exceptions and stand on principle. This is the reason that criminals get into office. There is no grand conspiracy that they steal all of the votes and steal the election, the problem is that we support them and make illogical exceptions to ensure that whatever side wins. If you want change, then make no exceptions and stop letting them control your vote out of fear of the opposition. Vote for who you think is best, regardless of the implications that it may have towards the outcome. It is long past time to stop voting for these losers and realize that they play off one another.
This video is inspiring, showing OWS and the Ron Paul Tea Party coming together against local police state legislation:
This is what we need, coming together on things that we actually believe in, not compromising our philosophies. There is nothing scarier then seeing liberals become softer on war for the dems and conservatives compromising free market philosophy for the Republicans.
This video is inspiring, showing OWS and the Ron Paul Tea Party coming together against local police state legislation:
This is what we need, coming together on things that we actually believe in, not compromising our philosophies. There is nothing scarier then seeing liberals become softer on war for the dems and conservatives compromising free market philosophy for the Republicans.