Well-Known Member
thats what im afraid of!!
Man I'm really sorry to hear about your dad. I have been doing lots of research for awhile because iv always known I wanted to help. We've all lost somebody relatively close to cancer in these modern days and it's mostly due to all the carcinogens and other cancer causing toxins and poisons that have been introduced to food, toys, sprays, everything In the last 50-75 years, and the pharmaceutical companys and doctors are filling there pockets with cash while we die and family's go bankrupt with medical bills! Meanwhile sense the early 70's there have been tests on mice with cancer using weed oil they put the cancer into remission. But the higher ups didn't like the fact we could cure cancer in our back yard and they've haulted and stopped any clinical human study's from ever going forward for the last 42 fucking years!!!You know I read somewhere that tommy chong was using cannabis to treat his colon or prostate cancer, or some sort of cancer down there. Just can't remember. U have me intrigued. I would love to try to help some1 like that I will have 2 do some research! Thanks 4 putting me on to this. I lost my dad 1 year ago this week 2 brain cancer. I was hookn him up with my grows I did indo in va. He was in nj. They legalized it 4 medical use but gave patients no way to access it!thanks kic. And thos beans have sprouted!
heres the update everybody
first up here's my little calcium whore girl scout cookies
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and the garden! only thing that has changed is i moved a mendo purps and tahoe og over to the area by the tent.
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mwooten inspired camouflage...
no officer i grow beer trees!
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sunflowers and pumpkin
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haha and i know the pumpkin needed water lol i took care of him right after this picture
plants are looking great !! keep up the good work and have a great harvest
i went ahead and top dressed today. i did a few different combinations i used just composted chicken manure, or composted chicken manure and rainbow mix bloom, or 10-1-1 mexican bat guano and rainbow mix bloom. i thin i already noticed a little bit of burn on one of the girls i give an extra dose of chicken manure too so ill probably be trying to leach that container out tomorrow. after all the whole point was to save leaves from yellowing not cause more!!
be careful of the chicken shit it has to cool off for awhile before using or it will burn , i had a buddy spread some 6 months old around the ground and we got a couple days of rain and that was the end of the plants crispyyyy yellow but have seen people use manure and do it also . i use mexican bat guano myself on some and have great results and earth juice grow on others. good luck with the leaves they tell alot with what a plant wants or needs
I hope u didn't cut urself to prove ur right! I believe, I believe!I can for sure say that hash oil will clog up a bleeding wound and considering its been extracted with alcohol or another solvent I'm pretty sure it should be reltivly sterile. Iv got oil In the seem of a cut I put on my finger, it stopped hurting almost right away, the oil noticeably keeps the cut sealed like stitches, stopped the bleeding, dosent sting or hurt, and I can noticbly see a little film or shell of oil protecting the cut. We will see if it heals faster and I plan to test this on lots of cuts in the next few months. I'm pretty much going to attempt to treat anything and everything I can with hash oil through many diffrent techniques from tinctures, waxy Rick Simpson oil, and more