Confederate Flag Wavers = Traitors

Well technically, yes it is. But i get what you're saying. i like your "idea" :)

I'm pretty sure America is two continents, Mexico is in America, so isn't Canada, and the United States Of America, Chile and Brasil are also in America
I would slap anybody waving a confederate flag in the face.

Amen brother! The vast majority of Americans i have had the "pleasure" of dealing with are "sums" of bitches imo.

We've got a guy running for the highest office in the land using his nick name or middle name and blathering about America when he's running for office in the USA one of many countries in the Americas-......
.....I like trees.... Corporations are people too..
Maybe we could erase our history and rewrite it to be what we all want and then we will live in a magical land where everything is just as we imagine.
"wordz" you still arent worty of being an american in my judgement

ive met at least 10 immigrants who were better americans than you

its people like u that have fucked up our homeland, and i would slap the shit of you

And you didnt hate them for flying different flags? Immigrants almost always have some kind of flags from their home countries.
I live in an area that is overflowing with Latinos. Mexican flags are everywhere, I havent seen a truck in years that didnt have a Mexican flag waving or painted on their trucks.
I knew a Russian truckdriver who painted a hammer and sickle on his red rigs, he lived in Jacksonville Fla. and was always being shot at.
Maybe we could erase our history and rewrite it to be what we all want and then we will live in a magical land where everything is just as we imagine.

You just crystalized the current thought process of the GOP, scary times we live in man.

BTW I love the avatar, I just introduced my 7 year old guitar playing son to Jimi. Was awesome to see the same look on his face as I had the first time I saw/listened to Jimi. Pure amazement and joy
only a sick fuck like yourself would think of lynching people. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. Go live somehwere else. WE dont want your kind!

whose this "we" yo? you seem to be on your own here, maybe it would be easier if YOU left OUR fucking country .WE don't need your kind here.