Did you soak it 2 months??? Use the Subcool method? I've been thinking of doing it, now i
REALLY want to!
Edit: LOL!
"riding a soft warm cloud" man that sounds perfect right now!~
I used a rice cooker on warm setting in a bath of water on a plate for around 8 hours or something....all day!! i stirred it now and then, I used around 14 grams of kief i think from memory maybe more... and 10 grams of dry ice made hash resin in 200ml of 100% food grade only glycerine. the mixture was VERY thick and stank my entire house out for hours lol...do it at night when everyones asleep if you got strong smelling erb LOL!! after distilling for a day i filtered it through a wire gauze and then my 20 micron pressing screen that came with my bubble bags. VERY clean and pure tincture, mildly cloudy i'd say from potency!!! but a beautiful yellow honey oil colour. To get the last bit out of the erb i put it in a bag while still warm poked a little hole in the bottom and squeezed the feck out of with gloves over the filter... i got around 90-95% back
I'm going to do a subcool method this next time.... i JUST got my new 100% bp usp grade glycerine from the bay and going to do a mild de-carb this time for more flavour. I still have easily ounces of kief left from jars over the years i just forget about or it ends up in the freezer! I may make some dry ice hash again and just run pure resin, i could make an even stronger batch using much less Glycerine....the trick is to have a good ratio to potent cannabis to glycerine.... the glycerine doesn't have as good extracting effects as pure alcohol but still very powerful as a solvent and works perfectly. Tastes great also!! the better tasting/smelling your erb is the better! the glycerine is naturally sweet but then you have to extract your goodies!! so best to start with quality
like any concentrates. If you over de-carb you will lose more taste. BUT de-carboxilating will increase the effects of the thc. so you have to find a balance... how much psycho-activeness do you want? or how much heady high?? and how do you want it to taste?
You can also make the tincture then remove the plant matter, add more erb/hash, do another extraction with the same glycerine and it will work providing you only do it a few times.... but adding potency all the time.
Go strong the first time and work down from that if you wish. if you think it will work using crud and leaf.... think again maybe for basic pain relief but for psychoacrtive effects and a strong buzz. go for strong potent meds or hash! or even hash oil, all is very soluble in this magical glycerine!! and even better the glycerine is soluble in almost everything, water, alcohol, milk you name it. a spoon full of tincture will make all your problems disappear
well you know what i mean hehe