F.M.I.L.Y's Grow


Well-Known Member
mmmmmmmm...thank you I needed that! Those are some sexy shots right there. I so can't wait to harvest mine ;)


Well-Known Member
Salumotherfuckintations! Glad you came I see you got a reputation... Much love to KMK and fuck that snitch bitch that put him where he's at.

Hell no, that song is for KMK my homie who use to grow and got caught up cause of a snitchin bitch!!!!!


Well-Known Member
way off topic lol sry i see you like zombies wheels ps3 ? xbox?
its all about the ps3. :) dead rising was one of the best zombie games ever. res evil 5 was bad ass but 4 player co-op online beats 2 any day when u have online friends to play with. but res evil 6 is coming out this year and dead rising 2 is also coming out. i cant wait. not really into the cod zombies anymore becuz of the lag.


Well-Known Member
Hell no, that song is for KMK my homie who use to grow and got caught up cause of a snitchin bitch!!!!!
he should have chosen his friends wisely. i made berkman wait thru a months worth of bullshit and messages before we even went to lunch. we swapped nugs and shit then it was legit. cuz the popo whether it be undercover or not cannot legally give u weed and let u leave with it. goes for anything illegal. cops will not hand u something illegal and let u leave their sight with it becuz they would be breaking the law themselves. like if ur going to buy coke or something bring a buddy with u and when the dealer hands u ur blow hand it to a buddy pull out ur money and let ur buddy drive away for 2 minutes while on the phone with u tell the dealer u may be buying more until ur sure ur buddy bailed and is safe. cuz a drug dealer will wait for the profit. if ur buddy gets pulled over its a simple possession charge and u leave without handing the cop ur money. no charges on u and odds are they will drop the possession charges on ur buddy becuz they dont have u in handcuffs cuz no purchase was actually made. gotta be smart about shit. narks not so much. way harder to distinguish. u can notice the grimyness if ur a good judge of character but other than that u screwed my niggas. :)


Well-Known Member
he should have chosen his friends wisely. i made berkman wait thru a months worth of bullshit and messages before we even went to lunch. we swapped nugs and shit then it was legit. cuz the popo whether it be undercover or not cannot legally give u weed and let u leave with it. goes for anything illegal. cops will not hand u something illegal and let u leave their sight with it becuz they would be breaking the law themselves. like if ur going to buy coke or something bring a buddy with u and when the dealer hands u ur blow hand it to a buddy pull out ur money and let ur buddy drive away for 2 minutes while on the phone with u tell the dealer u may be buying more until ur sure ur buddy bailed and is safe. cuz a drug dealer will wait for the profit. if ur buddy gets pulled over its a simple possession charge and u leave without handing the cop ur money. no charges on u and odds are they will drop the possession charges on ur buddy becuz they dont have u in handcuffs cuz no purchase was actually made. gotta be smart about shit. narks not so much. way harder to distinguish. u can notice the grimyness if ur a good judge of character but other than that u screwed my niggas. :)
I wish that were true but cops can let you go with drugs when they are building a case against you.

And that's EXACTLY what I am doing to YOU!!! :shock:

EDIT: something in what I wrote above triggered the CAPTCHA system. I guess RIU is trolling for cops.


Well-Known Member
spent a few summers playin it in the 90's ...it had donkey kong but it wasnt called that yet and a few other classics on it :D


Well-Known Member
My FIRE OG is surviving the massive heat wave, we had 14 days of 100+ temps. Insane weather for the middle of August.


Mamadude Bud curing, she is some fire..Thank you Mom, I love you! My best ever MD grow and I pollinated a branch with Cougar Pollen. Should be some fire beans there! VIPs get ready for these beans!

I will be making BHO with MD trimmings and popcorn buds. Should be a treat for me!

