Seedling definition? How long is a plant considered a seedling?


Well-Known Member
So how long is a plant considered a seedling? When is a plant considered to be in the vegging stage and officially out of the seedling stage?

Is it determined by Visual physical factors or is it just determined by the amount of time the plant has been sprouted?

Like is a plant considered vegging after it has been sprouted for 2 weeks regardless of its size? Or is it only considered vegging and not a seedling when it gets to a certain size regardless of how old it is?


Well-Known Member
I've heard some people say it is not a seedling anymore once it gets a certain amount of true sets of leaves. Like 2 or 3 sets of true leaves or something like that.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
When it just has cotyledons and is just producing its first set of true leaves its a seedling. Once it has its first set of true leaves its vegging.


Well-Known Member
So this would be seedling DSCN2235.jpgDSCN2236.jpg

and this would be vegging?

Those are both pictures of the same plants 4 days apart


Well-Known Member
I call them seedlings until I put them in their final pots. I go from solo cup to final pot. With that said your above photos are seedlings, no nutes is that is why you are asking, wait at least four weeks from birth from seeds.


Well-Known Member
Most things I have read say the seedling stage lasts for up to 4 weeks. Vegetation doesn't start until the plant is growing at it's maximum speed. So, i'm not sure what that is really supposed, but it is was I've read.

Just google cannabis life cycle and you'll get some articles I'm sure.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
And even a seedling vegges. Some would consider a seedling a plant from seed, not a cutting. Lots a semantics possible. When you start to count your days vegging is all up too you........


Well-Known Member
Oh... this is about when to start vegging days... huh... I start counting those when I can tell it's not gonna die.

Seedling is kinda like the term "kid", everyone is a kid at one stage, but when they stop being a kid is always different. But then again, I'm not a horticulturalist.


Well-Known Member
Seems to me like it is a gray area with a thick line as to when they are or are not seedlings


Well-Known Member
Oh... this is about when to start vegging days... huh... I start counting those when I can tell it's not gonna die.
No, This wasn't about when to start counting vegging days. I was trying to figure out what the definition of a seedling was and when technically a plant leaves the seedling stage and enters the vegging stage


Well-Known Member
When a seedling first goes into dirt the plant expends 95% of it's energy building the roots to support the plant.
The roots grow until they hit the inside walls of the pot. Then the plant starts growing above ground. When you cannot see
daily growth it is a seedling. As soon as the roots are grown the plant starts growing around an inch a day. That's vegging.

So, first 2-3 weeks (depending on pot size) when you see no growth = seedling. Shortly thereafter you can measure and see daily
growth = vegging.

Here's a way to tell how close the plant is to vegging. Look straight down at the plant and notice if the largest leaves are big enough
to reach the lip of the pot. When the leaves reach the lip the roots are near the pot from the inside.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
1" a day? Dam my plants are still 2" big and it's been 8 days since the seed cracked. Well my plants suck
Nah according to bigsteve that means your roots are filling out your container that is why they are not growing up top yet, if indeed that theory is true.