Well-Known Member
New ones opening up in California and Colorado, Michigan etc etc
Every month
Yep, and they're being raided too.
New ones opening up in California and Colorado, Michigan etc etc
Every month
all of them?Yep, and they're being raided too.
obama wouldn't have to go about doing the right thing on his own.
Yes, all the while ignoring the separation of powers of the constitution and doing an illegal end run around congressional law... *because it is the right thing to do*
What else ya got? Are Oregon medical marijuana dispensaries the only measuring stick to the drug war?
i admit, i am a loser. i have a tiny penis, am a premature ejaculator, and to top off the embarrassment level, i have trouble maintaining an erection. it's pretty sad. i'll go about furiously trying to achieve an erection for hours, and (if) once i manage to achieve one, i shoot my wad immediately. i am a loser.
that still doesn't negate the fact that the MMJ business is doing better than it ever has, and the explosion happened right after obama/holder made the announcement a while back.
remember when your big bruvva deprave showed me the case of the felon busted with 154 plants as the example of obama persecuting legal MMJ patients?
that one got laughed of the michigan patients forum in a hurry.
all of them?
The DEA must have a real hard time finding dispensaries
all of them?
The DEA must have a real hard time finding dispensaries
Asian Massage parlors get busted every now and then but new ones open in their place. Obama is for the Asian sex slave trade.
witness the compassion and fiscal conservatism of the right.
more than happy to waste taxpayer dollars deporting kids who were brought here illegally and without a say in the matter.
they could go on to become productive, tax paying members of society, but that's just a little too multicultural for the right.
instead of having them contribute to society, let's spend millions of taxpayer dollars sending them back to a country they have never called home.
good luck carrying those western states with that message for latinos!
how is anyone possibly supposed to march with four left leg steps before one right leg step."Left, Left, Left Right Left."
Keep on marching buddy.
how is anyone possibly supposed to march with four left leg steps before one right leg step.
how is anyone possibly supposed to march with four left leg steps before one right leg step.
Clearly none of you have lived through the job destruction illegal immigrants bring to a trade.
They KILL trades. Absolutely KILL them. But since you dont know, go ahead and make your assumptions.
Clearly none of you have lived through the job destruction illegal immigrants bring to a trade.
They KILL trades. Absolutely KILL them. But since you dont know, go ahead and make your assumptions.