you have to pay $13.50 to vote in pennsylvania


If you dont have a drivers license or a state ID... How are you going to prove your identity? Green Card??


Well it seems that proof of address has worked for the last 223 years

Now Can you list how many cases of vote fraud these laws will prevent
You can accomplish that by showing all the cases of vote fraud committed in the last 2 decades
Well it seems that proof of address has worked for the last 223 years

Now Can you list how many cases of vote fraud these laws will prevent
You can accomplish that by showing all the cases of vote fraud committed in the last 2 decades

If you are not aware that vote fraud happens in every election I am not going to spend one second digging up all the evidence you choose to ignore...

There is this thing called *google* and if you use it to look up voter fraud you might be surprised to find out that it indeed does exist.
If you are not aware that vote fraud happens in every election I am not going to spend one second digging up all the evidence you choose to ignore...

There is this thing called *google* and if you use it to look up voter fraud you might be surprised to find out that it indeed does exist.

Of course you are not going to waste time looking up vote fraud
Because even the people who push for these voter suppression laws are smart enough to know it doesnt exist
Of course you are not going to waste time looking up vote fraud
Because even the people who push for these voter suppression laws are smart enough to know it doesnt exist


You can drag a Chesus to water but you cant make him think...

You can drag a Chesus to water but you cant make him think...

Most striking is that the judge allowed for the law to continue even though the state was not able to produce evidence of any voter fraud occurring in Pennsylvania, which was the premise upon which Republican state legislators passed the law. Judge Simpson said in his opinion that the state's lack of evidence of voter fraud didn't matter because the Supreme Court upheld Indiana's law "despite the absence of any evidence of in-person voter fraud occurring in that state." (For a great list of highlights from Judge Simpson's rulings, read "13 key points on PA Court ruling upholding Voter ID law" from the Philadelphia Inquirer.)
Most striking is that the judge allowed for the law to continue even though the state was not able to produce evidence of any voter fraud occurring in Pennsylvania, which was the premise upon which Republican state legislators passed the law. Judge Simpson said in his opinion that the state's lack of evidence of voter fraud didn't matter because the Supreme Court upheld Indiana's law "despite the absence of any evidence of in-person voter fraud occurring in that state." (For a great list of highlights from Judge Simpson's rulings, read "13 key points on PA Court ruling upholding Voter ID law" from the Philadelphia Inquirer.)

You do know you are dumber than shit right?

Here is a link to a website where people are being prosecuted for... VOTER FRAUD!!! I know this might crush your little rose colored bubble...

6/11/2012 PENNSYLVANIA: Robyn Pugh: nonresident voting
"The Monroe County district attorney's office charged the embattled former Middle Smithfield Township golf course director with several counts of voter fraud Monday. Robyn Pugh was charged with perjury, false swearing in official matters and unlawful voting. She could receive up to 10 years in prison and fines of $20,000. The DA alleged that Pugh registered to vote in Middle Smithfield Township and voted there four times when she was actually living in Stroud Township." DA charges ex-Middle Smithfield golf director Pugh with voter fraud, Pocono Record, June 11, 2012.

Now, are you going to continue to say that there is NO voter fraud in Pennsylvania?

Your premise is completely laughable...
you need to pay for a card, and you need that card to vote. direct poll tax.

whoever asked for the link to the cost of voting, here it is:

I see. You live upstairs from the voting booth and don't drive. If you drove, like most americans, it would cost about four or five bucks more to vote. (Using the IRS rate of @ 50 cents a mile) They should have a voting place on every block. What with the line and all, it takes an hour to vote. I bill out at $200 an hour. My economic cost is 218.50 to vote.

Why don't you include all that in your poll tax price?
You guys are fucking retarded.Give free ID's, that way the cheddar lovers on the left and Nazis on the right are both happy. ID for voting is common sense. I missed the continuous drivel on here, I really did :rolleyes:
13 dollars or 100 I cant understand how anyone, of legal age, does not have id and a ss card period.

ANYONE, how do these people collect their welfare checks and cash them without id??? Billions going to them and who are they?
You will have a hard time convincing me that someone that doesn't have or can obtain or ever obtained 13dollars in their lifetime has enough initiative to vote or know what they're voting for.

How do these people that supposedly cannot afford an ID, cash their SS, welfare or disability checks, can you open up a checking account without a photo ID?

I think it's a great idea to require a photo id, it protects the general public against voter registration fraud.
How do these people that supposedly cannot afford an ID, cash their SS, welfare or disability checks, can you open up a checking account without a photo ID?

I think it's a great idea to require a photo id, it protects the general public against voter registration fraud.

If these people would otherwise have every right to vote then how does that protect the general public?
Weird how common sense is contagious, the states keep stacking up.

The only common sense indicated in the PA and OH voting laws is the common sense that states "if we keep enough legitimate Dem voters from being able to vote we might manage to get our clinker candidate in office in spite of the will of the people"

I an not yet jaded enough on this issue to keep from being agast at the behavior of the right and the support that behavior is getting from people who profess to be patriots and claim to love this country and everything it stands for.
First, we are not a democracy, we are a constitutional republic.....well, we are SUPPOSED to be at least.

Second, yes, I absolutely positively support the "right" to deny individuals from voting if they can not prove they are a citizen. The form of identification doesn't matter to me, thumb print, I.D. card, whatever, as long as there is legitimate proof of citizenship, and that the individual is who they say they are.

When non-citizens vote, it disenfranchises citizen voters, and we have MILLIONS of non-citizens roaming around the nation for one reason or another.

If the number of legitimate voters that are kept from voting exceeds the number of illegitimate voters that are kept from committing voter fraud,then what you have is what the right wants, a corrupt election.

It is quite obvious that hundreds of thousands if not millions of legitimate voters will be kept from casting their vote this year, and that seems to be ok with you folks.
Do any of your 20,000 post have anything of substance? Is it unconstitutional to have to show i.d to cash a check? Or how about to purchase a gun? I am neither republican or democrat, but the liberal mindset just drives me insane. Just face it, you do not give a rats ass about

the poor people, the gays, the immigrants. You liberals believe in what you believe cause it makes You feel better about yourselves.

You have no constitutional right to cash a check. You should not have to present ID in order to own a gun, purchasing one is a different matter - I frown on that as well.

I am curious as to how anyone who presents the case that ID should be required to vote can call themselves patriotic. I am curious as to how they can make such an argument when they know full well that legitimate voters will be disenfranchized.
The PA republican house leader......


As I so often say... The right is incapable of dealing with reality. This is a smoking gun, when it comes to our suspicions as to the true motivation of state enacted voter ID, this tell is all.

Yet the right will still squirm away and claim that in spite of the fact that a truely tiny number of cases of fraud have been discovered, in spite of the fact that ALEC driven republicans have enacted the same laws, in spite of the fact that these laws were obviously enacted just before this presidential election and in spite of all of the evidence that far more legal voters will be unable to vote than any of the laws curtail illegal voters, voter ID is still proper.

And then there is this.

What does the right have to say about this? I am anxious to read on and see but my guess is that it will be ignored and the same dreary rightist reasoning will be repeated over and over again.

Shame on them, they have no right to claim they love this country.
Don't worry if you don't have it I'm sure they will just tax someone else to pay for yours, like everything else people use with no intention of ever paying for.

on the other hand I agree a poll tax is bullshit. but i am sick of caring anymore, i'm just gonna grab some popcorn, buy a place in Costa-Rico and sit back and watch the US burn, i think it may be the best thing for it at this point, burn it down and start over.