2012 outdoor bud pictures, who's got buds?

Only two with buds so far and they are hermis out of about 100. Started from seed. I was a bit confused because one in particular was developing the beginning of a rather nice looking cola but both were way further along than the others. However they definitely both have balls! So I guess femming the seeds yourself does work. I put them in a giant ziploc bag before the season, and started my car and filled it with exhaust (for carbon monoxide), and then put that ziploc bag inside of another to make sure it didn't escape. Then left it sealed for a few days. After that I did banana peels for about a week and a half. Unless more hermis start showing I'm 98% female or more. Only other explanation is the deer ate the males because I did lose several when my deer netting was torn but no suprise where I'm at. We're still at about 14.5 hours of sun so I think it's normal to not have full on female buds yet? Whoo-hooo!

car exhaust and banana peels to turn your seed female? never heard of that
Only two with buds so far and they are hermis out of about 100. Started from seed. I was a bit confused because one in particular was developing the beginning of a rather nice looking cola but both were way further along than the others. However they definitely both have balls! So I guess femming the seeds yourself does work. I put them in a giant ziploc bag before the season, and started my car and filled it with exhaust (for carbon monoxide), and then put that ziploc bag inside of another to make sure it didn't escape. Then left it sealed for a few days. After that I did banana peels for about a week and a half. Unless more hermis start showing I'm 98% female or more. Only other explanation is the deer ate the males because I did lose several when my deer netting was torn but no suprise where I'm at. We're still at about 14.5 hours of sun so I think it's normal to not have full on female buds yet? Whoo-hooo!
Is this a joke?
Only two with buds so far and they are hermis out of about 100. Started from seed. I was a bit confused because one in particular was developing the beginning of a rather nice looking cola but both were way further along than the others. However they definitely both have balls! So I guess femming the seeds yourself does work. I put them in a giant ziploc bag before the season, and started my car and filled it with exhaust (for carbon monoxide), and then put that ziploc bag inside of another to make sure it didn't escape. Then left it sealed for a few days. After that I did banana peels for about a week and a half. Unless more hermis start showing I'm 98% female or more. Only other explanation is the deer ate the males because I did lose several when my deer netting was torn but no suprise where I'm at. We're still at about 14.5 hours of sun so I think it's normal to not have full on female buds yet? Whoo-hooo!

wow!! what ya been smoking??
you guys make me regret growing super silver haze now checked last week and no sign of budding but it is alternating nodes so it wont be long, but she makes up for it in height i am 6'2 and standing beside her with my arm stretched up as high as it will go it still has a good 10-12 inches in me so he is a beast but i guess good things come to those who wait, i would have had a plethora of strains but the last frost made sure i only got buy with one plant the ssh, i would of had bcseedking mango, bcseedking sweet tooth, barneys farm g13 haze, and some nothern lights x haze. so i guess it will be a little longer before i can get you guys some bud porn, sorry guys.
They were two techniques I thought I would try after reading about many. I understand you peoples skepticism, but the two I pulled had pistils and balls, everything else has pistils showing but no pollen sacs. I am a newb, but I have some background in biology/botany and can identify plant parts. They are definitely not as far along as most of you though. But I'm doing it all organic because I'm doing it straight in the ground in natural clearings and concerned about the environmental implications (compost/bone meal/worm castings etc... just watering with water and on the left coast so risk of an early frost is low - maybe that is why I'm behind rather than hours of sunlight as some on here suggested re: grow zone rather than latitude). I didn't do these things believing that they would actually work, but it was not hard to do either. The hard part was hauling the 110L bundles of peat moss and fifty pound bags of compost two to three at a time up a mountain trust me, lol! I did use high quality seed which may be part of the equation? The science behind it is banana peels are both treated with ethylene, and produce ethylene themselves as they ripen. Read up on it before you try because you have to take care to make sure they don't rot your seeds but basically you just switch out the banana peels every couple of days and avoid direct contact with the seeds. There are commercial ethylene products which can be bought as well. Again the idea behind the vehicle exhaust was the carbon monoxide. Anyway I shared your skepticism but it appears to have worked wonders.



GHS Cheese at 4weeks flower, Lemon skunk(week 3) on the right side and white rhino way in the back 6.5'x6.5'(just started week 2)