Well-Known Member
Can you at least agree both sides are playing dirty, making the OP a bit hypocritical to single out Romney and portray Obama the poor innocent victim? You'd think this was Steve Martin's The Jerk remake.
See, I don't like Romney. But with my stance of pro-life and being against PPACA, he's my only choice. Hell, I'd take Rosanne over either of them with a mandatory daily listening of her Star Spangled Banner rendition.
First off, if you read my posts you know that I don't much agree with people who maintain that there is some sort of parity or symetry in the behavior of the parties. There is not. The right has played "dirty" since Nixon's CREEP and their dirty tricks. You will find little activity of this magnitude in the Dem playbook. Because of this, it is important for Republicans to encourage us all to believe that "both side do it.... so what's the big deal [if we do it]"
That having been said, yes, Dems, especially so far in this election are playing very loose with the truth. They discovered when Kerry was running, that there is little defense against an ongoing campaign of outright lies and so the best action involves staying on top and stirring the pot with their own mistruths. While on the one hand I am happy that the Dems for once in their miserable attempts, are maintaining an upper hand, I am still embarassed that they believe they have to resort to such tactics.
You call these things "dirty", I have watched enough politics to know that dirty gained a new meaning when Republicans got their own wholely owned subsidiary mouthpiece called FOX News. Now don't start with MSNBC or the left biased news because it doesn't compare.
so dirty is a relative thing.
Now you and I can argue abortion for ever but I think we will have trouble convincing each other of our beliefs. PPACA discussions are based upon fact and not personal morality. I suspect that you are against PPACA because you don't really know much about it other than what you have been told by the right.
The fact that you would rather vote for Rosanne tells me that you aren't really taking this seriously - as there are real issues for our Republic and we desperately need someone to run things, Rosanne would be a step up from Palin but not much. The moment I saw Palin on the ticket I realized that Repubs don't take this country or it's leadership seriously.
I coud be wrong - you may be just making that statement for effect.