The UK Growers Thread!

The 'Gold Seal' on hash is only an indicator of the quality not where it comes from.
The reason why hash is rare as rocking horse shit in England is because nobody bothers to go through the ballache of importing it when it's far easier/cheaper and more profitable to grow high grade bud right here.

Afghanistan produces more hashish than any other fucker on the planet,it allways has.

Depends on where you find your info
I bet that hash through the volcano would be quite tasty!

Never actually tried. still got eh concentrate screen somewhere, gert fucking 4mm thick woven steel screen unlike the normal single layer mesh. That is one thing i love about owning it though, most landlords and whatnot are ignorant as fucj and the contract will say nothing but no smoking on the premesis. Sorry fella, i'm not smoking, this is what one would call a vaporizer ya mong.
Evening dura, how're tricks?

not bad tip, its the girls birthday(29, yes im a dirty old man) so were all just sitting in and chilling, fora booze and sniff session on friday. apart from that just sittin gettin bored waitin on harvest, either this weekend or the next, but probably the latter. really could do with the cash to clear a few debts and get all my stuff for uni.
not bad tip, its the girls birthday(29, yes im a dirty old man) so were all just sitting in and chilling, fora booze and sniff session on friday. apart from that just sittin gettin bored waitin on harvest, either this weekend or the next, but probably the latter. really could do with the cash to clear a few debts and get all my stuff for uni.

Dunno your age but no critisim from me, i'm 5 years older than my girl, she's only 19, duh duh duhhh, predator alert! Sounds good though, i want my grow on for my weed, i'm not the type to sell, but it's always great knowing you have that fall back should you need it. I've an engine warning light on in my car, i know it has to be the cat converter, that'll be £350 to replace, so yeah, having a crop on the way is always a comforting thought.

What're you studying this time around? Know you're a bit of a but for history and such. I would go as well if it wasn't for UK uni fees, lucky fucking scots, i can enver get enough of learning, i see to spend half my life sat around on the internet reading up on ww2 naval battles and researching old fighter planes among other things. The shit is interesting, yet apparently it makes me a geek for wanting to better my understanding and knowledge regardless of it's direct relevance in my life..

"i may be old fashioned, but the man said wear your boner pants, i wear my boner pants"
Since I started growing weed. It seems all I ready about now is about cannabis lol. Not that I was a massive reader anyway. In fact think iv become a cannabis geek lol
Since I started growing weed. It seems all I ready about now is about cannabis lol. Not that I was a massive reader anyway. In fact think iv become a cannabis geek lol

it dus that too ya m8, when i 1st started which was only 4 n half years ago i must have read non stop for the 1st 2yrs just about weed weed weed n then thought about it non stop, its addictive is the growing n learning about.

what ya got on the grow at minit?
Since I started growing weed. It seems all I ready about now is about cannabis lol. Not that I was a massive reader anyway. In fact think iv become a cannabis geek lol

Lol, havnen't we all? My picture folders are choc a block full of various pot photo's, my favourites full of pot websites and whatnot, my video folders full of pot documentaries and films, my documents folder full of various growing pdf's i've just randomly accumulated :D as i say, i love learning, i've leanrnt many times, and now understnad the importnance, never go into a debate basing your arguemnt on ignornace, you will lose and you will feel like a jackass :D Leanr learn brain of ours, we have this mind, make use of it :) nothing better than going to the pub and having a few drinks and proceeding to highlight the jackass that someone really is :D
Lol, havnen't we all? My picture folders are choc a block full of various pot photo's, my favourites full of pot websites and whatnot, my video folders full of pot documentaries and films, my documents folder full of various growing pdf's i've just randomly accumulated :D as i say, i love learning, i've leanrnt many times, and now understnad the importnance, never go into a debate basing your arguemnt on ignornace, you will lose and you will feel like a jackass :D Leanr learn brain of ours, we have this mind, make use of it :) nothing better than going to the pub and having a few drinks and proceeding to highlight the jackass that someone really is :D

are ya folks cool with your smoking/growing ttt, must be a big ol house if ya got a wine celler n that carnt ya ''borrow a room'' for a few months lol

what did ya raid out the drinks cabnet then? nefing good?
''Remember they aren’t looking for people who have a tiny bit of hash with them. Unless of course you are going to Dubai'' that was part of a write up on taking weed on a plane i was just reading didnt they lock up a drum n bass dj for yrs in Dubai not that long ago for like a gram or so of hash?
nothing wrong with a bit of learning, ganja makes your brain hungry and feeding it is only a good thing.

oh, and hi uk dudes, just found this thread. How shit is the law in our country?

prices round my way (not that I am into buying or selling) are mental. 25 on the henry, which is almost always underweight and damp, 180 on the oz (which is why they are selling short weights). Greed fucks up a good thing and that's why I got out of the rat race and went for self sufficiency.
yeah i would have thought Morocco produced quite a bit more hash than most.

your old 3eyes aint ya, what was Lebanese like? it was quite poplar back in the old days wasnt it? ive never even seen it let alone smoked it.

Not as old as Dura and DST not quite anyway lol i remember getting some red leb when i 1st started smoking weed green was not an option but black Leb and rocky was you could get then only black and rocky then rocky which ended up as soap bar or slate the Leb i remember was like pollen light and fluffy
nothing wrong with a bit of learning, ganja makes your brain hungry and feeding it is only a good thing.

oh, and hi uk dudes, just found this thread. How shit is the law in our country?

prices round my way (not that I am into buying or selling) are mental. 25 on the henry, which is almost always underweight and damp, 180 on the oz (which is why they are selling short weights). Greed fucks up a good thing and that's why I got out of the rat race and went for self sufficiency.

dunno bout me brain but it deffo makes me hungry lol some of the shit ive eaten on the munchies or sometimes just the volume of food ive consumed on a munch is just not right lol

them prices aint bad at all, pretty good really.
are ya folks cool with your smoking/growing ttt, must be a big ol house if ya got a wine celler n that carnt ya ''borrow a room'' for a few months lol

what did ya raid out the drinks cabnet then? nefing good?

My parents are cool with me smoking and growing, even wish the law was changed to allow me to grow legally, they see the sensible side of it being a grower for personal use and not money. But due to my fathers profession, anything weed related, even just having an 8th in his house, could very well bar him from ever working in his field again. that aside though, yeah man, i have a 5 room flat on the top floor of teir house, room enough for 100 plants if i wanted, but gotta be courteous, i owe more than i can ever repay to my folk so no way i'd jeopardize their livelihoods. This house is insane though, their bedroom is maybe 1.5x the size of my entire flat i used to have, and that was a £250k affair. Bastard to say it but the reading of the will will be good lolol doesn't get much lower than that :lol:

Not much special tonight. Had a bottle of red wine while cooking up tomorrows dinner, and grabbed a bottle of white wine to watch with my film :)
''Remember they aren’t looking for people who have a tiny bit of hash with them. Unless of course you are going to Dubai'' that was part of a write up on taking weed on a plane i was just reading didnt they lock up a drum n bass dj for yrs in Dubai not that long ago for like a gram or so of hash?

Yes mate fabio i believe the radio 1 drum and bass geezer i think he got locked up then booted out about a week later lol
Not as old as Dura and DST not quite anyway lol i remember getting some red leb when i 1st started smoking weed green was not an option but black Leb and rocky was you could get then only black and rocky then rocky which ended up as soap bar or slate the Leb i remember was like pollen light and fluffy

i was only aving a dig m8 about the age you aint that much older than me i dont think 36-38 aint ya im 30 but was serious bout the Lebanese ive heard me oldman go on about it and heard a few old peeps talk of it but never tried it meself.

is there any distinctive qaulitys to it to no that its real leb?

also ive always known goldseal to be afghan hash whats redseal then?
i was only aving a dig m8 about the age you aint that much older than me i dont think 36-38 aint ya im 30 but was serious bout the Lebanese ive heard me oldman go on about it and heard a few old peeps talk of it but never tried it meself.

is there any distinctive qaulitys to it to no that its real leb?

also ive always known goldseal to be afghan hash whats redseal then?

Gold seal is afghan and red seal is pakistan i think mate