Well today has been kinda a bad day as far as the plants.. After I transplanted them into they mini HB all hell broke loose I had two of them slump over and look like they were dying and I have one that is like stretching for the light even though the light is only about 2 inches away..
As far as the slumped ones, one looks pretty good the other not so.. Here are some pictures.
Pic 1 -- The far right plants are the 2 that were slumping
The back one recovered but the front right one is still kinda slumping..
Pic 2 -- See the one stretching for the heavens, can't figure out why
Pic 3 -- These are the two slumped ones the back one kinda recovered
Also if anyone can give me any advice on how much water I should be giving them please do remeber though there are Hempy Buckets..