lmao yeah the cajuns, arent they supposed to be white french people who were booted out of acadia in canada, came to louisiana, settled, as opposed to the creoles who came straight from france?
always makes me lol when black people say they are creole... yeah you're creole cause your family way in the past had someone who liked to dick his slaves or fell in love with a black woman, or maybe white woman blak man but that seems highly unlikely
I'm a native Floridian and have a very very very slight southern accent but most people in FL have little to no accents even tho we're the deepest southern state, most are from up north that come down here and get fooled by our "great weather". The beaches and Disney Land is the only thing we got going for us lol. The more north you go in the state, is where you start to meet any Cajun or red necks, even then they're more modern than the traditional ones you see everywhere else.
Florida, home of the weird.
if the punishment so harsh even 60 years ago, imagine a slave with a white woman actually laying pipe in her
if the punishment so harsh even 60 years ago, imagine a slave with a white woman actually laying pipe in her
lmao trolling hard... yeah im sure tons of slaves fucked white women... even though history tends to show gruesome consequences for black men with white women up until the last few decades or so.
I mean shit emmett till, (60 years ago), a hella young boy was lynched for supposedly whistling at a white woman.. they didnt even have proof he did... but im sure tons of slaves were with white women...
Didn't Thomas Jefferson have a black family?
Yes. He did.....He had two sons with a black woman. She even had her own house.Didn't Thomas Jefferson have a black family?