(High) question!! What came first, the weed plant or the seed??


I am faded and I was thinking, theres a big back and forward over the chicken and egg question. But what about the weed plant and the seed?

Cant seem to shake that thought.... What does the community think??bongsmilie
Let there be plant --> PLANT

Plant came first, then felt lonely, lowered a branch till it touches ground.

From that point of contact, ground layering happened, and that became a new plant. So, now two plants.

One went hermie due to constant embarrassment and low-esteem that it was created just for the purpose of removing boredom.

Thus seeds were formed.
Let there be plant --> PLANT

Plant came first, then felt lonely, lowered a branch till it touches ground.

From that point of contact, ground layering happened, and that became a new plant. So, now two plants.

One went hermie due to constant embarrassment and low-esteem that it was created just for the purpose of removing boredom.

Thus seeds were formed.

Hahaha... Thats deep
nice thread! +rep haha

So the plant just grow up and out of the grownd one day??

i know exaktly wer yer cumin from pal
Seeds came first, same with the egg.

I know this as FACT, because one of my garden elves was smoking a blunt in the corner, and normally he runs away but he was too fucked to move. So we got chatting, he's quite interesting, did you know elves can play the piano? Me neither! Anyway, he said the seed came first.
Seeds came first, same with the egg.

I know this as FACT, because one of my garden elves was smoking a blunt in the corner, and normally he runs away but he was too fucked to move. So we got chatting, he's quite interesting, did you know elves can play the piano? Me neither! Anyway, he said the seed came first.

Next time you see him... Tell him ima kick his ass!! I caught him in my garden stealing my tomatos the other day.
That would have been for some nice sandwiches I suspect - prob got the munchies based on how much nubs it makes me clip early.

Now I'm a straight man, but if I catch em again I'm gonna go all deliverance on their ass, eeeeep, EEEEEEEEP!

God said, "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.…To you it will be for meat." … And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31) The Bible predicts some herb's prohibition. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall … speak lies in hypocrisy … commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. (Paul: 1 Timothy 4:1-3)
I stole this but believe it is true

maybe not the tree, per se, but the plant came first. Seeds are a late form of sexual reproduction. While plants have ways to reproduce asexually by sending out runners and such, seeds allowed for greater diversity by forming from the combined DNA of two parent plants. This diversity facilitates greater adaptability and resistance to threats. One must assume that a plant species arose that had never utilized seeds before but, through some mutation, produced seeds. For this plant, the use of seeds offered an advantage over it's peers and it thrived, produced more offspring, and dominated. A few million years later, viola, we have the seed bearing plants (trees) you see these days.

God said, "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.…To you it will be for meat." … And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31) The Bible predicts some herb's prohibition. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall … speak lies in hypocrisy … commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. (Paul: 1 Timothy 4:1-3)

And where did he get the seed?? Created them? Found them?? One of his angels gave them to him and god said this is too good to keep for myself so ima blow my created ones a shotgun( gave humans seeds)??