Skunky Munkey Grow 1


Hey Man

Looks like you got some setup there.. could you tell me more about ur Hydro system. How is water managed in and around all your Containers and when do you flush you system ?


Well-Known Member
Hey Man

Looks like you got some setup there.. could you tell me more about ur Hydro system. How is water managed in and around all your Containers and when do you flush you system ?
Thanks. I am not sure what you mean by "How is water managed in and around all your Containers." Are you asking how the water circulates through the system?

I change my reservoir every two weeks and I flush a little tap water through it before I fill it back up. I do a flush for a few days with water and H2O2 in between grows.


Well-Known Member
I am making the Chicken, Rice, and Mango lettuce wraps again but this time the dressing has a secret ingredient: marijuana vegetable oil.


Well-Known Member
I added 2 more tsp of M.O.A.B. because my PPM didn't jump up too much. It is at 700 right now.

BC - should I discontinue use of this after the first week or go for a second week? I think the instructions say to only use for the first week and then again in the last two.


Well-Known Member
I added 2 more tsp of M.O.A.B. because my PPM didn't jump up too much. It is at 700 right now.

BC - should I discontinue use of this after the first week or go for a second week? I think the instructions say to only use for the first week and then again in the last two.
fallow the directions. first and last two. u will lose a bit of yield if u do not have enough stretch and spacing between nodes. keep em short dude. but not too short. most my skunksxg.g were really short as it was thruout flower. only two out of the 7 dif phenoms i had only 2 got somewhat tall. the rest were closer to 2/3 the height which is a pretty good average for canopy control.


Well-Known Member
if u look at recent pics in the thread u will see details on the bucket system and how it circulates. kinda a pain to figure out how to explain it. i had to actually see it in person to get the design.


Well-Known Member
Ya my bad. I asked that questions wrong. How does the system ciculate ?
As wheels said it is kind of hard to explain without seeing it but there is a pump that pulls the nutrient solution through the PVC pipes (from the reservoir through the buckets on the sides) which combines back to a black hose which is connected to the pump. The solution is pumped up and dumps back into the reservoir at the top.

Basically the water travels under the roots (undercurrent) from the reservoir through the side buckets and then back into the top of the reservoir.

Here it is pictured with the drainage system that I added.

