If you think about it, we are acctualy souppose to be real hairy, how would we look? Would we look like a normal wild animal? Or like what would it be like? Were the only animal that shave.
And dont say a caveman, because the cavemans a fictional character, or 'jesus' cause that to is a fictual man made dipiction. how do you think we'd look? No cutting your hair, fixing brows abit, no shaving legs (for girls), trimming pubes no nothing, by say 70, we'd look like walrisis? (sp)
And also wouldnt be weird, were souppose to find hair hot, so we'd be fucking hairy girls, and it would be the norm.
And dont say a caveman, because the cavemans a fictional character, or 'jesus' cause that to is a fictual man made dipiction. how do you think we'd look? No cutting your hair, fixing brows abit, no shaving legs (for girls), trimming pubes no nothing, by say 70, we'd look like walrisis? (sp)
And also wouldnt be weird, were souppose to find hair hot, so we'd be fucking hairy girls, and it would be the norm.