so it's mitt romney and paul ryan

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Record profits? no
Making 1.5% in a 10 year note? most likely

Why would they put their money to work in this environment? We've got an incumbent who lacks any sound knowledge of economics, a federal reserve artificially keeping rates low, and a looming "fiscal cliff". You will not see any further investment and growth until these things are changed. Enjoy your 4 more years of this..

Lmao at what?

Corporate profits have soared over the last 2 decades.

The tone of your post is indicative of the problem. It's like the kid that doesn't get his way and goes home with his ball.

Whiny rich prick: "you want me to pay the same tax rate as commoners? Heh! I'll just take my ball home. Have fun playing with no ball poor people"

Pathetic, so unpatriotic and myopic.


Well-Known Member
so, still waiting for someone to defend the track record of trickle down economics, rather than just assert that fauntleryan's plan to put trickle down on steroids makes their dick hard.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
The ultra rich are holding cash at a record pace. The way the economy grows is by a combination of private and government investments. All we have now is government, which is clearly failing. The rich are not investing because of a lack of confidence which will not change under another term of Obama. Sorry to break it to you. The democrats solution to this? Tax the rich more. You think taxing the rich will magically insure confidence? That notion is laughable. You will just decrease private investment even further and drive it overseas. The government has doubled their revenue in income and corporate tax since 1990. Why do you feel giving the government MORE money to waste will some how fix the economy? It amazes me how stupid people are.


Well-Known Member
johnny retro talks about inflation in one post, then ignores it in the next.

and he still hasn't told me about the successes of trickle down. he thinks we stopped trickle down in 2008.

he's so awesome. i want to have sex with johnny retro.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Lmao at what?

Corporate profits have soared over the last 2 decades.

The tone of your post is indicative of the problem. It's like the kid that doesn't get his way and goes home with his ball.

Whiny rich prick: "you want me to pay the same tax rate as commoners? Heh! I'll just take my ball home. Have fun playing with no ball poor people"

Pathetic, so unpatriotic and myopic.
Its funny how much factual content you put in your posts. Those guys down and the tattoo parlor must have some heated economic debates.

My tone is indicative of the problem? How so? Are you denying the fact that the ultra rich have no confidence in obama? Or that the fed is artificially keeping rates low? Or that there is a "fiscal cliff" coming? What are you attempting to argue?


Well-Known Member
Its funny how much factual content you put in your posts. Those guys down and the tattoo parlor must have some heated economic debates.

My tone is indicative of the problem? How so? Are you denying the fact that the ultra rich have no confidence in obama? Or that the fed is artificially keeping rates low? Or that there is a "fiscal cliff" coming? What are you attempting to argue?
^^^this genius is trying to make the case that tax uncertainties are keeping employers from hiring :lol:

hey partisan hack, do tell me how prominently taxes figure into hiring decisions :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

the fed announced it was going to keep interest rates low through summer 2013 way back in august of last year.

you fail so hard, johnny. but we can still have sex if you'd like, maybe even discuss the laffer curve with regards to your awesome trickle down fairy dust.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
^^^this genius is trying to make the case that tax uncertainties are keeping employers from hiring :lol:

hey partisan hack, do tell me how prominently taxes figure into hiring decisions :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

the fed announced it was going to keep interest rates low through summer 2013 way back in august of last year.

you fail so hard, johnny. but we can still have sex if you'd like, maybe even discuss the laffer curve with regards to your awesome trickle down fairy dust.
Could you please point out where I said tax uncertainties are keeping employers from hiring?

Should I add a few laughing smiles too? After all what you just posted shows a blatant ignorance towards private investments.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Maybe someone can answer this question for me.

Who provides capital to entrepreneurs and emerging businesses to grow their business?


Well-Known Member
And I'm still waiting for an answer to the question I asked two posts ago. How does raising taxes on the future income of the wealthy get them to "unlock the vault" and put all their accumulated wealth out in the world. So far I heard what I expected from Dukey, absolute nonsense. From the rest I've only heard how trickle down doesn't work.

Specifically educate me on how higher taxes makes the wealthy start spending.


Well-Known Member
And I'm still waiting for an answer to the question I asked two posts ago. How does raising taxes on the future income of the wealthy get them to "unlock the vault" and put all their accumulated wealth out in the world. So far I heard what I expected from Dukey, absolute nonsense. From the rest I've only heard how trickle down doesn't work.

Specifically educate me on how higher taxes makes the wealthy start spending.

That said, it's obvious that there is no correlation between higher marginal tax rates and slowing economic activity. During the period 1951-63, when marginal rates were at their peak—91 percent or 92 percent—the American economy boomed, growing at an average annual rate of 3.71 percent. The fact that the marginal rates were what would today be viewed as essentially confiscatory did not cause economic cataclysm—just the opposite. And during the past seven years, during which we reduced the top marginal rate to 35 percent, average growth was a more meager 1.71 percent.

I am sure you will make a different conclusion


Well-Known Member
Could you please point out where I said tax uncertainties are keeping employers from hiring?

Should I add a few laughing smiles too? After all what you just posted shows a blatant ignorance towards private investments.
fiscal cliff, fiscal cliff, fiscal cliff!

never once mentions aggregate demand.

never ever ever ever ever ever ever talks about the track record of trickle down. deflection and accusations are your entire arsenal.


Well-Known Member
And I'm still waiting for an answer to the question I asked two posts ago. How does raising taxes on the future income of the wealthy get them to "unlock the vault" and put all their accumulated wealth out in the world. So far I heard what I expected from Dukey, absolute nonsense. From the rest I've only heard how trickle down doesn't work.

Specifically educate me on how higher taxes makes the wealthy start spending.
no one is making the claim that returning to clinton era tax rates are going to magically make jobs fall from the sky. that's just your pathetic, weaselish attempt to avoid the track record of trickle down.

now call us lemmings, eco loons, or suicidal progressives. haven't heard those enough.


Well-Known Member
no one is making the claim that returning to clinton era tax rates are going to magically make jobs fall from the sky. that's just your pathetic, weaselish attempt to avoid the track record of trickle down.

now call us lemmings, eco loons, or suicidal progressives. haven't heard those enough.
Lol, so much hostility because you can't answer the question. Apparently I hit a sensitive nerve. And by the way, I've heard endlessly about how we need to raise taxes on the wealthy and it's always accompanied with the claim they are hurting the economy by greedily hoarding their wealth.

I'm not avoiding anything, I just came into the thread and asked a question.

Since the increase in tax rate on the wealthy won't amount to shit in terms of deficit reduction, it MUST be for job creation.

Suicidal Progressive still fits like a glove, by the way.