Please help me save my girl !! she is getting yellow and seems to be dying [pics]

My plant seems to be in trouble. First the bottom few leaves turned yellow and died, the rest of the plant was ok. I had planted the seedling too deep and the lower leaves were too close to the soil so I thought this was a natural action.

Now after 6 weeks, more leaves are turning yellow. Two biggest fan leaves in middle are yellow and the other green leaves are lighter than those of my other plants. I have removed two or three dead branches that had died and fallen off from the bottom.

After reading the plant problem thread, it seems to be Nitrogen deficiency but I want to confirm from others and get suggestions to fix it. Can this be reversed? Could it be fungus or over-watering?

My grow details
Indoor, soil, Ph of water very close to 7 (I want to test the soil ph but I just watered today so I will have to wait), soil is a custom potting mix (commercial ones not available here unfortunately). Soil is good and porous. I had added 2 tablespoons of vermicompost 2 weeks back and 2 tablespoons of neem-cake last week to all plants. Others seem to be doing fine. I started flowering 2 days back. today I added a few bits of 22-6-6 nutes

Please let me know if need more information.



Ive read on here its very normal for the bottom leafs to turn a bit brown and start to fall off by the time the flowering starts , I have a few brown guys at the bottom that i just cut , once it starts budding and u see where the buds r u can cut off lots of the bottom leafs *fan leafs*. and basically trim her up so its mostly just the buds and the leafs around the bud area .
But over all i think ur plant looks pretty good .

  • Increase Bud Development
    marijuana seed fan leaves shade lower cannabis buds. These marijuana buds do not develop their full potential do to this shading. By removing fan leaves more light hits the lower branches.
    Remove fans to conserve energy for upper marijuana bud development.
    Trimming marijuana fan leaves and lower shaded branches focuses the plant’s development on the cola.
    A marijuana plant wastes precious energy several ways.
    Tall marijuana plants use energy to build extra stem and to move water up higher.
    An untrimmed bushy cannabis plant wastes energy by expending energy on lower small bud producing branches. Careful trimming to remove unnecessary branches (which wont produce nice buds) leaves more energy for a larger yield.
    Reduce stretching marijuana plants by removing fan leaves in the early flowering stage.
    Speed Up The Flushing Process by removing fan leaves in the last 14 days before harvest.
    Removing fan leaves creates better airflow which reduces the chance of mold.
    When and how to trim marijuana fan leaves.
    A marijuana strain with very few leaves and long internodes will need a lot less trimming - if a trimming technique is even adopted.
    A marijuana strain with a surplus of leaves and short internodes would require more thinning to get the same amount of light to the lower buds.
    Remove non productive dead leaf material first.
    marijuana leaves that have reached their final size and are aging will stop producing chlorophyll and start changing to a lighter color, often yellowing and showing purple.
    These are the ones to take out first.
    The older leaves, even though larger, are no longer very productive once they are not dark green anymore. By the time they start looking pale or discolored, they are not contributing anything to the marijuana plant at all.



Well-Known Member
why are they not in the center of the pots. also yellowing of the lower leafs working its way up. new twisted growth. try upping youre pot seize should do the trick. but first check just to be sure. lift up the pot and check for roots and if u want just carefully pop her out of her pot and have a look at the roots she if she looks root-bound.
the above post will happen more in mid to late flowering not now

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
what size container is it in? to me it looks like you need a transplant to a bigger pot. i would transplant and water well, then when it gets dry give it a little veg. nutes.

it looks a little dry on top for just watering by looking at the pics. make sure you evenly water so that the pot feels heavy, then let it get light before watering again.

Guerilla Gardener

Active Member
nitrogen. plants are stretching and taking all available N. I usually dose mine with a strong growth nute just as hits flower so that the stretch uses it up.. at week 2 is when I start flower feeding.


Well-Known Member
yep .. I also see curling/clawing leaves .. to mouch nitrogen .. cut it off .. use a high P. insted ... before that do a flush maybe ..


Well-Known Member
Ive read on here its very normal for the bottom leafs to turn a bit brown and start to fall off by the time the flowering starts , I have a few brown guys at the bottom that i just cut , once it starts budding and u see where the buds r u can cut off lots of the bottom leafs *fan leafs*. and basically trim her up so its mostly just the buds and the leafs around the bud area .
But over all i think ur plant looks pretty good .
dumbest thing i have heard all day lol.

Guerilla Gardener

Active Member
yellowing means lack of (N) since you are 2 days into flower.. I would hit it with N.
I see the guy below my last post disagrees.. but Fuck him in the mouth.. Its N


dumbest thing i have heard all day lol.
Yeah cos I read too much dumb stuff on this forum from potheads
That's why everybody here will give their own pothead option ;-)
I love this forum because of people like u that thinks they have a degree in growing "weeds"
thanks for making my day LoL


Agree... yellow starting at the bottom and working its way up usually means in need of bigger pot
But correct me of I'm wrong if he starts trimming the fan leaves wouldn't it be better for the buds as the fan leafs r just taking up nutrients and co2 that could be used towards the growth of buds instead ?

I do agree a larger pot is always better .

Also I've seen many people do that and have a lot less hard work at harvest time as most of the fan leaves r gone .


Well-Known Member
Yeah cos I read too much dumb stuff on this forum from potheads
That's why everybody here will give their own pothead option ;-)
I love this forum because of people like u that thinks they have a degree in growing "weeds"
thanks for making my day LoL
maby you should ahve a few grows under your belt before you start giveing advice man dont give advice from stuff you read because you dont know how accurite it is give advice from your own personal experince. i have found allot of people who give advice on these forms dont even grow lol. you just a wannabee in my book douch bag.


maby you should ahve a few grows under your belt before you start giveing advice man dont give advice from stuff you read because you dont know how accurite it is give advice from your own personal experince. i have found allot of people who give advice on these forms dont even grow lol. you just a wannabee in my book douch bag.
Yes master please forgive me because I know not what I do .
i wanna be like u when I grow up .
Can u Teach me your ways oh great one?
I think its root bound. Pot seemed "big enough" but I saw a tiny hair coming out of two holes [pics, sorry they are bit blurry]

The plant has also started drooping from the top a little bit (i.e. bending to a side, not fully down). Is this also a symptom (I might also have overwatered them in panic yesterday)

Should I replant immediately? (How urgent is the situation) Is she going to recover after repotting?

Any good guides for replanting would be appreciated.. First grow, and I have only replanted seedlings, not a full blown plant like this.

Thanks everyone for your feedback. Is there hope?



Active Member
yellowing means lack of (N) since you are 2 days into flower.. I would hit it with N.
I see the guy below my last post disagrees.. but Fuck him in the mouth.. Its N
Really now is there any reason to be so imature and hateful? Aren't we all adults here?