looks awesome!
one thing i learned from COPS!... if u dont have a shirt on in public... the cops are about to show up.
barefoot, blue jeans, no shirt and a bag of meth in my pocket.![]()
holy shit dude. How much is there?? That's the biggest chunk of 'oil' I've ever seen man. Incredible! I want to make me some of that! Next time when I've saved up some trim again, I'll be trying this out again. I already have a honey bee extractor, but my previous attempts have not been very clever and I've had real difficulty collecting the oil. But I'm so inspired to try again now. I see the key is to leave it well alone for few days, I was always in a bit of a rush with my first attempts and clearly this was my biggest mistake. As with most things in this game, patience is key!Thanks for sharing!
Depending on how much butane in what space it may never ignite at all... when you talk about igniting butane you have to realize the reason that it is flammable is because it is soluble in atmosphere (O2) and is volitile because it has a wide range of ratio mixes of butane to air that allow for spark combustion.yep, i'm making a bold statement. it's really not that dangerous. i don't recommend any source of ignition nearby when using butane but i'm not scared. i'm not sure what would happen if it ignited.
Depending on how much butane in what space it may never ignite at all... when you talk about igniting butane you have to realize the reason that it is flammable is because it is soluble in atmosphere (O2) and is volitile because it has a wide range of ratio mixes of butane to air that allow for spark combustion.
In other words: it might not ignite 199 times in 200 but that one time that 3 entire cans of butane explode within 2 feet of you in the kitchen is the last time that it will ever happen to you because it would probably set your kitchen on fire and burn you to death.
Just as bad would be that tray catching on fire with you standing in front of it, you would be engulfed by a 20 foot flame that would burn your building down. Might not last long and doesn't need to. Doesn't have to explode to end you.
be safer. Peace and love to all beings.
Also, the hash looks awesome. Wish to god I could try it!!!
mmmmk... now in a past life before i was growin pot i was a stupid kid...
and i know very much what evaporating butane looks like when lit on fire...
while you only see a pool what you don't see is the column of butane thats dispersed into the air and completely enveloping the surrounding area... when lit on fire basically a very breif 2-4 ft in diameter fire ball engulfs all fuel in the area...
burned all the hair off my arm but no damage to the skin... i'd consider myself lucky as my clothes and face were not in the fire ball too...
if you do test it out fdd, take video of the event please... =]=]=]
i have a lot........................ View attachment 108273
i think from now on when i make oil i will just use hash. i can use trim but the yield is smaller and it is messier. i can just use the trim to make hash then take some of the hash and crumble it and run it thru the extractor.![]()
Shit, that is a LOT! The amount I grow, I can only dream of producing that much. But dream I will and then I will try and make myself a gram or two sometime. You must get quite good percentage of return/yield from running hash through the honey bee, as all the green matter is gone already. Do you think the extraction would work very well just using kief in the honey bee? Or would you recommend pressing the kief into hash first, then busting that hash up to extract it again. I do like your thinking with using hash though, great idea. I never would of thought of that, but I don't have golf ball size lumps of scissor hash just lying around the house to experiment with!Only at FDD's place!