Looks like mold on leaves? Need help!!


Well-Known Member

I started noticing this yesterday but I was not sure what this was. Today it has worsened and I dont know what to do. It looks like dust but I think its mold. Any help would be appreciated!

I am using:
400W HPS
FloraNova Bloom

Temps are between 75-80
Humidity 40-45%



Well-Known Member
I thought mold/mildew were the same thing....:P ...desperately savaging the forums for a fix


Active Member
Make a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water. Spray. Don't put it right back under your light until it dries.

I like 1 part drug store peroxide ( the weak stuff) to 4 parts water.

Unlimited One

Active Member
It's not the same thing. Found this online:

Organic Sprays
Sulfur is highly effective against powdery mildew if used in a protectant program with a minimum of 7 to 14 days between applications. Garlic naturally contains high levels of sulfur and a few cloves crushed in water can be used to make a homemade spray. Apply a sulfur-based fungicide at first evidence of mildew and repeat applications as necessary. Proper timing of fungicide applications is critical to successful control so make sure to begin at the first sign of the disease.

Another option is to spray once a week with a solution of baking soda. Baking soda increases the surface pH of the leaf making it unsuitable for the growth of powdery mildew spores. Be sure to spray the undersides of leaves as well as the upper surfaces when using any of these sprays.

Here's a recipe to make your own spray:
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 quart water
A few drops of liquid soap
Before treating your plants, test the spray on a few leaves to make sure they are not too sensitive.


Well-Known Member
dude thanks so much!! I was looking at a few solutions and I think you guys hit it on the head. Ill try this I hope it works :)


Well-Known Member
Make a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water. Spray. Don't put it right back under your light until it dries.

I like 1 part drug store peroxide ( the weak stuff) to 4 parts water.
I have some H202....this is way concentrated right? so you think if I used this I would just have to drastically dilute it?

Unlimited One

Active Member
More info:

Don't bother with sprays if you grow indoors or in a greeenhouse your much better off with a sulfur burner. You're gonna have to cover every square inch of leaves on your plants if you're using a spray. Now if you have enough plants, thats darn near impossible, but with a burner, everything gets covered with sulfur, even the walls and floors and equipment... Now outside though, you're gonna have to settle for the sulfur sprays, so make sure you cover those plants completely.

Two or three 8 hour burns during the dark cycle, during the first two to three weeks of flowering will take care of the problem. Completely.

Also keep that humidity @ 45 % during flowering. Very important.

Do not use the sulfur burner past 3 weeks into flowering or your buds will taste like sulfur. Do not use sulfur if you have applied Neem oil within 30 days or you'll burn the leaves.

Works like a charm though. I'll never bother with any other method of control
Sulfur burner all the way.


Well-Known Member
More info:

Don't bother with sprays if you grow indoors or in a greeenhouse your much better off with a sulfur burner. You're gonna have to cover every square inch of leaves on your plants if you're using a spray. Now if you have enough plants, thats darn near impossible, but with a burner, everything gets covered with sulfur, even the walls and floors and equipment... Now outside though, you're gonna have to settle for the sulfur sprays, so make sure you cover those plants completely.

Two or three 8 hour burns during the dark cycle, during the first two to three weeks of flowering will take care of the problem. Completely.

Also keep that humidity @ 45 % during flowering. Very important.

Do not use the sulfur burner past 3 weeks into flowering or your buds will taste like sulfur. Do not use sulfur if you have applied Neem oil within 30 days or you'll burn the leaves.

Works like a charm though. I'll never bother with any other method of control
Sulfur burner all the way.
I om only growing 3 plants - LST - in a Growloab 80 which is like a 3X3. I live near the ocean in NorCal so I dont know if this is specific to humidity. I just minced 2 cloves of garlic, mixed it with water and ac couple of drops of dish soap and foliar sprayed the hell out of them..should I do this every day until I dont notice any pm or should I make this a part of my treatment until harvest? The plants are on day 17 of flowering...


Well-Known Member
you want to battle it in a on going battle??? Or you wanna kill it?.... if you miss 1 pm airborne spore your right back where you started.

4 step process

1- spray your veg plant with eagle20 and any spreader... I use greencure as a speader..... use eagle only in veg.... 2-3 ml to a 32 oz water bottle

2- use a antifungal bomb on your grow area.....FUNGLAFLOR ...... or wipe your entire grow area with a bleach/water mix ..floors walls ceilng equipment.

3- make sure you have plenty of air movement.... 2-3 fans.... low RH

4- Filter your incoming fresh air source if possible


Well-Known Member
you want to battle it in a on going battle??? Or you wanna kill it?.... if you miss 1 pm airborne spore your right back where you started.

4 step process

1- spray your veg plant with eagle20 and any spreader... I use greencure as a speader..... use eagle only in veg.... 2-3 ml to a 32 oz water bottle

2- use a antifungal bomb on your grow area.....FUNGLAFLOR ...... or wipe your entire grow area with a bleach/water mix ..floors walls ceilng equipment.

3- make sure you have plenty of air movement.... 2-3 fans.... low RH

4- Filter your incoming fresh air source if possible
Thanks man! I forgot about sterilizing the grow area again...now I just need a dark spot for my plants.. :P

Unlimited One

Active Member
I om only growing 3 plants - LST - in a Growloab 80 which is like a 3X3. I live near the ocean in NorCal so I dont know if this is specific to humidity. I just minced 2 cloves of garlic, mixed it with water and ac couple of drops of dish soap and foliar sprayed the hell out of them..should I do this every day until I dont notice any pm or should I make this a part of my treatment until harvest? The plants are on day 17 of flowering...
Not exactly sure how often, but I would spray then wait 5 days to a week and if everything looks better n good, then spray a little more just to be safe. But do a lil more research


Well-Known Member
You don't wanna burn sulfur in your house. It's not worth it for a few plants. The best product I have used if you can find it is Nuke Em from Flying skull. It's sounds bad but it's all food grade and non toxic and the active ingredient is potassium sorbate which works on mildew and small pests. You can use it till the end with no flavor left over. Especially not sulphur!


Well-Known Member
You don't wanna burn sulfur in your house. It's not worth it for a few plants. The best product I have used if you can find it is Nuke Em from Flying skull. It's sounds bad but it's all food grade and non toxic and the active ingredient is potassium sorbate which works on mildew and small pests. You can use it till the end with no flavor left over. Especially not sulphur!
Thanks for the info! Everyone has been a great help. I sanitized my tent with hot water and bleach and sprayed the hell out of the plants with a mix of garlic water and dish soap (didnt have any baking soda). Im heading to the hydro store today so ill be asking them about these products. Plants seem to be looking good as of now but I will be keeping a close eye just to make sure the PM doesnt show itself again.

Ill keep you all updated!


Active Member
Run LED light banks with UV in the spectrum ( near 380 nm wavelength) and this doesn't happen. I'm in the stank of the Oregon temperate rain forest no Powdery mildew since the day they went up. Until then Green Cure POtassium Bicarbonate is a nice option that also increases budding.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if you noticed, but there's a child in your grow room.
LOL - Does this mean that the temps have something to do with the PM growth? I was looking at what LED setup I could get away with in my GL80.

Sean Tom

Well-Known Member
check it out. once you got pm there is no getting rid of it, it is an internal disease. all you can do is manage it. perpetual grows are bad with this. i am in this situation now. what i do is wipe off the huge PM spots on the leaves if any, and then once a week i pull the plants out the tent and wipe the tent, fans, lights, everything with bleach water(good to do even w/o PM) but i also mix a solution of water(2quarts), baking soda(teaspoon),liquid soap(drop),hydrogen peroxide 3%(1/2cup or so) and i gently mist from bottom to top, under leaves. stems, soil too. then i let them sit with fan for a few hours till really dry, then back into the tent. ALL OF THIS HAPPENS AS SOON IT'S TIME FOR LIGHTS TO COME ON.

also, youll want to increase air flow and circulation in the tent, and get a dehumidifier if possible, more ventilation.