The powers that be Goldman Sachs/GE now giving more money to Republicans with ~70% while that number used to be for obama, Bama's numbers have dropped. Both super powers continue to fund both democrats and republicans because we all know they work for the exact same people, but the new trend has me thinking. One theory is that is to keep the two parties in power they want to keep it heated battle between Romney and Bama so they have increased Romneys funds to keep it a tight race. I think perhaps because Republicans are a bigger lie and can be more fascist/corporatist that perhaps they want republicans to take over cause they can get away with more, at least a bit more nationalism and corporatism while giving up on some fake socialism so to keep the rise of the police state balanced they need to switch it up. Thoughts?
Nothing is going to change as these corporations are what is wrong with America. General Electric is a war profiteer that owns several media outlets. Goldman Sachs is a predatory corporate bank that steals from the American people through faulty monetary policy and central banking. You all must be honored to have such awesome support for your candidates.
We now have to vote for the corp. or industry that will be fucking us over the least, Politicians should be required to wear sponsor patches so I know whom I'm voting for.
We now have to vote for the corp. or industry that will be fucking us over the least, Politicians should be required to wear sponsor patches so I know whom I'm voting for.
We now have to vote for the corp. or industry that will be fucking us over the least, Politicians should be required to wear sponsor patches so I know whom I'm voting for.
You could see this coming after the Wall St elite pulled a no-show on Barry after the bailout. They scared him into paying them, then they ignored him. What a tool.
You could see this coming after the Wall St elite pulled a no-show on Barry after the bailout. They scared him into paying them, then they ignored him. What a tool.
Might have something to do with
The TARP money given to them when Bush was president (something Ryan voted for) didn't have strings attached to it
Like the Loans we gave them under the stimulus Obama approved
Or maybe the Consumer protection Laws obama got thru congress
Or the Wall Street Reform measures that were put in place
Yep If old barry obama is in the pocket of Wall street
He sure aint showing it
Might have something to do with
The TARP money given to them when Bush was president (something Ryan voted for) didn't have strings attached to it
Like the Loans we gave them under the stimulus Obama approved
Or maybe the Consumer protection Laws obama got thru congress
Or the Wall Street Reform measures that were put in place
Yep If old barry obama is in the pocket of Wall street
He sure aint showing it
Might have something to do with
The TARP money given to them when Bush was president (something Ryan voted for) didn't have strings attached to it
Like the Loans we gave them under the stimulus Obama approved
Or maybe the Consumer protection Laws obama got thru congress
Or the Wall Street Reform measures that were put in place
Yep If old barry obama is in the pocket of Wall street
He sure aint showing it
It has now been two years since the collapse of Bear Stearns and more than a
year since the financial crisis peaked. Trillions of dollars in household wealth
were erased and over 8 million jobs were lost, in large part, because of
failures in our financial system. That failed regulatory system will now come to
an end.
The Obama Administration has made Wall Street reform a top priority since day
one, and it will now become a reality. Wall Street Reform will hold Wall Street
accountable, protect and empower American consumers with the strongest consumer
protections ever, increase transparency in financial dealings -- including in
the derivatives market -- and end taxpayer bailouts once and for all.
1. Holding Wall Street Accountable
The financial crisis was the result of a fundamental failure from Wall
Street to Washington. Wall Street took irresponsible risks that they didn’t
fully understand and Washington did not have the authority to properly monitor
or constrain risk-taking at the largest firms. When the crisis hit, they did not
have the tools to break apart or wind down a failing financial firm without
putting the American taxpayer and the entire financial system at risk.
Taxpayers Will Not Have To Bear The Costs Of Wall Street’s
Irresponsibility. If a firm fails in the future it will be Wall Street
– not the taxpayers – that pay the price.
“Proprietary Trading” Will Be Separated From The Business of Banking.
The “Volcker Rule” will ensure that banks are no longer allowed to own,
invest, or sponsor hedge funds, private equity funds, or proprietary trading
operations for their own profit, unrelated to serving their customers.
Responsible trading is a good thing for the markets and the economy, but firms
should not be allowed to run hedge funds and private equity funds while running
a bank.
Ending Bailouts. No firm should be “Too Big To Fail”. Reform
will constrain the growth of the largest financial firms; restrict the riskiest
financial activities; and create a mechanism for the government to shut down
failing financial companies without precipitating a financial panic that leaves
taxpayers and small businesses on the hook.
2. Protecting American Families From Unfair, Abusive Financial
Too many responsible American families have paid the price for an
outdated regulatory system that left our financial system vulnerable to collapse
and left families without adequate protections. We must protect and empower
families with the strongest consumer protections ever.
An Independent Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Will Set And
Enforce Clear, Consistent Rules For The Financial Marketplace. A single
consumer bureau will set clear rules of the road and ensure that financial firms
are held to high standards. For example:
For families who want to buy a home: The piles of forms
needed for a regular mortgage can be overwhelming, and many brokers have taken
advantage of that confusion to give borrowers loans they didn’t need or couldn’t
afford. The new consumer financial protection bureau will take steps to
consolidate and simplify with plain language two overlapping and sometimes
inconsistent federal mortgage forms. The bureau will, for the first time,
provide ongoing federal oversight of both nonbank companies and banks in the
mortgage market and protect borrowers from unfair, deceptive or other illegal
mortgage lending practices.
For families with credit cards: The new consumer financial
protection bureau will enforce the new credit card law signed by President Obama
that bans rate hikes on existing balances and other unfair practices. For
families who have used credit cards to get by when times are tight, the law will
give them clarity on the interest rates they are charged.
For families caught by unexpected overdraft fees: Many
households have been automatically enrolled in expensive overdraft programs.
These programs can hit consumers with costly overdraft fees for even the
smallest purchases. For example, the FDIC found that the average overdraft
charge for a single purchased item—like a $2 cup of coffee—is $30 at banks with
assets more than $1 billion. The new consumer financial protection bureau will
enforce new rules that give consumers a real choice as to whether to join
expensive overdraft programs so that they are not unknowingly charged
unnecessary fees. [FDIC, “FDIC Study of Bank Overdraft Programs” (November 200
at Table IV‐3]
Until Now, There Have Been Seven Different Regulators With Authority
Over The Consumer Financial Services Marketplace. Accountability has
been lacking because responsibility is diffuse and fragmented. In addition, many
mortgage lenders and mortgage brokers were almost completely unregulated. All
that will change..
3. Closing The Gaps In Our Financial System
We depserately needed to modernize our financial system and take the
necessary steps to close the gaps in our system and eliminate regulatory
Reform Will Address the Gaps that led to Regulatory Failure – At Its
Peak, The “Shadow Banking System” Financed About $8 Trillion In Assets.
In the lead-up to the financial crisis, our regulatory system as a whole failed.
One of the greatest weaknesses of our financial system was the risk that built
up in the “shadow banking” system where there was explosive growth in a range of
financial firms that acted much like banks – but operated without oversight.
Market Discipline Was Not Enough. Relying on market
discipline to compensate for weak regulation and then leaving it to the
government to clean up the mess was not a good strategy for economic growth nor
financial security.
Our Financial System Will Have Clear Accountability. There
is no substitute for vigorous, consistent enforcement of the laws governing the
financial system. But each regulator should have a clear mission and the
authority to execute that mission.
Gaps and loopholes that allowed large firms like AIG to avoid strong,
comprehensive federal oversight will be eliminated.
To achieve accountability, one entity will have the responsibility and the
authority to supervise the most complicated firms.
4. Reform is Critical to Market Certainty and Stable Growth
Reform is central to providing a foundation for stable growth. Our
financial system is most competitive when our system is stable, resilient and
Reforms Will Make The Financial Industry And
The Markets They Operate In Stronger, Safer, And More Competitive.
Clearer accountability in supervision and regulation so that financial firms
can operate under a coherent set of rules and expectations without the current
regulatory arbitrage opportunities that allow some firms to “game the
Stronger capital buffers to increase the ability of financial companies to
weather the ups and downs of financial markets.
Lesser concentration of risk among the largest financial firms so that any
one firm can fail without creating a domino effect throughout the entire
financial system that jeopardizes jobs, family savings and the entire economy
Greater transparency in the derivatives market that will make the system
safer by providing regulators with the data they need to manage systemic risk
and help ensure the integrity of financial markets so we can prevent future
AIG-like disasters.
Comprehensive Reform Will Help Generate Innovation And Economic
Growth. A key test of a strong financial system is whether or not it
effectively channels savings to finance future innovation. The old system
produced waves of credit bubbles and real estate booms followed by severe
financial shocks and damage. Under reform, the financial system serve not only
short-term profits, but long-term growth, entrepreneurship, and savings.
Leading the Way on International Financial Reform. We have
worked in parallel with our international partners to make sure that as we move
to reform and strengthen our financial system at home, the G20 is moving to
implement reforms to achieve a level playing field.
It has now been two years since the collapse of Bear Stearns and more than a
year since the financial crisis peaked. Trillions of dollars in household wealth
were erased and over 8 million jobs were lost, in large part, because of
failures in our financial system. That failed regulatory system will now come to
an end.
The Obama Administration has made Wall Street reform a top priority since day
one, and it will now become a reality. Wall Street Reform will hold Wall Street
accountable, protect and empower American consumers with the strongest consumer
protections ever, increase transparency in financial dealings -- including in
the derivatives market -- and end taxpayer bailouts once and for all.
1. Holding Wall Street Accountable
The financial crisis was the result of a fundamental failure from Wall
Street to Washington. Wall Street took irresponsible risks that they didn’t
fully understand and Washington did not have the authority to properly monitor
or constrain risk-taking at the largest firms. When the crisis hit, they did not
have the tools to break apart or wind down a failing financial firm without
putting the American taxpayer and the entire financial system at risk.
Taxpayers Will Not Have To Bear The Costs Of Wall Street’s
Irresponsibility. If a firm fails in the future it will be Wall Street
– not the taxpayers – that pay the price.
“Proprietary Trading” Will Be Separated From The Business of Banking.
The “Volcker Rule” will ensure that banks are no longer allowed to own,
invest, or sponsor hedge funds, private equity funds, or proprietary trading
operations for their own profit, unrelated to serving their customers.
Responsible trading is a good thing for the markets and the economy, but firms
should not be allowed to run hedge funds and private equity funds while running
a bank.
Ending Bailouts. No firm should be “Too Big To Fail”. Reform
will constrain the growth of the largest financial firms; restrict the riskiest
financial activities; and create a mechanism for the government to shut down
failing financial companies without precipitating a financial panic that leaves
taxpayers and small businesses on the hook.
2. Protecting American Families From Unfair, Abusive Financial
Too many responsible American families have paid the price for an
outdated regulatory system that left our financial system vulnerable to collapse
and left families without adequate protections. We must protect and empower
families with the strongest consumer protections ever.
An Independent Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Will Set And
Enforce Clear, Consistent Rules For The Financial Marketplace. A single
consumer bureau will set clear rules of the road and ensure that financial firms
are held to high standards. For example:
For families who want to buy a home: The piles of forms
needed for a regular mortgage can be overwhelming, and many brokers have taken
advantage of that confusion to give borrowers loans they didn’t need or couldn’t
afford. The new consumer financial protection bureau will take steps to
consolidate and simplify with plain language two overlapping and sometimes
inconsistent federal mortgage forms. The bureau will, for the first time,
provide ongoing federal oversight of both nonbank companies and banks in the
mortgage market and protect borrowers from unfair, deceptive or other illegal
mortgage lending practices.
For families with credit cards: The new consumer financial
protection bureau will enforce the new credit card law signed by President Obama
that bans rate hikes on existing balances and other unfair practices. For
families who have used credit cards to get by when times are tight, the law will
give them clarity on the interest rates they are charged.
For families caught by unexpected overdraft fees: Many
households have been automatically enrolled in expensive overdraft programs.
These programs can hit consumers with costly overdraft fees for even the
smallest purchases. For example, the FDIC found that the average overdraft
charge for a single purchased item—like a $2 cup of coffee—is $30 at banks with
assets more than $1 billion. The new consumer financial protection bureau will
enforce new rules that give consumers a real choice as to whether to join
expensive overdraft programs so that they are not unknowingly charged
unnecessary fees. [FDIC, “FDIC Study of Bank Overdraft Programs” (November 200
at Table IV‐3]
Until Now, There Have Been Seven Different Regulators With Authority
Over The Consumer Financial Services Marketplace. Accountability has
been lacking because responsibility is diffuse and fragmented. In addition, many
mortgage lenders and mortgage brokers were almost completely unregulated. All
that will change..
3. Closing The Gaps In Our Financial System
We depserately needed to modernize our financial system and take the
necessary steps to close the gaps in our system and eliminate regulatory
Reform Will Address the Gaps that led to Regulatory Failure – At Its
Peak, The “Shadow Banking System” Financed About $8 Trillion In Assets.
In the lead-up to the financial crisis, our regulatory system as a whole failed.
One of the greatest weaknesses of our financial system was the risk that built
up in the “shadow banking” system where there was explosive growth in a range of
financial firms that acted much like banks – but operated without oversight.
Market Discipline Was Not Enough. Relying on market
discipline to compensate for weak regulation and then leaving it to the
government to clean up the mess was not a good strategy for economic growth nor
financial security.
Our Financial System Will Have Clear Accountability. There
is no substitute for vigorous, consistent enforcement of the laws governing the
financial system. But each regulator should have a clear mission and the
authority to execute that mission.
Gaps and loopholes that allowed large firms like AIG to avoid strong,
comprehensive federal oversight will be eliminated.
To achieve accountability, one entity will have the responsibility and the
authority to supervise the most complicated firms.
4. Reform is Critical to Market Certainty and Stable Growth
Reform is central to providing a foundation for stable growth. Our
financial system is most competitive when our system is stable, resilient and
Reforms Will Make The Financial Industry And
The Markets They Operate In Stronger, Safer, And More Competitive.
Clearer accountability in supervision and regulation so that financial firms
can operate under a coherent set of rules and expectations without the current
regulatory arbitrage opportunities that allow some firms to “game the
Stronger capital buffers to increase the ability of financial companies to
weather the ups and downs of financial markets.
Lesser concentration of risk among the largest financial firms so that any
one firm can fail without creating a domino effect throughout the entire
financial system that jeopardizes jobs, family savings and the entire economy
Greater transparency in the derivatives market that will make the system
safer by providing regulators with the data they need to manage systemic risk
and help ensure the integrity of financial markets so we can prevent future
AIG-like disasters.
Comprehensive Reform Will Help Generate Innovation And Economic
Growth. A key test of a strong financial system is whether or not it
effectively channels savings to finance future innovation. The old system
produced waves of credit bubbles and real estate booms followed by severe
financial shocks and damage. Under reform, the financial system serve not only
short-term profits, but long-term growth, entrepreneurship, and savings.
Leading the Way on International Financial Reform. We have
worked in parallel with our international partners to make sure that as we move
to reform and strengthen our financial system at home, the G20 is moving to
implement reforms to achieve a level playing field.
You really need to move on from the "turtle fucker"
he didnt make muster. the majority of citizens think his ideas suck and he is a whack job along with his supporters
You really need to move on from the "turtle fucker"
he didnt make muster. the majority of citizens think his ideas suck and he is a whack job along with his supporters
I put forth more suggestions than you Mr Copy/Pasta ...Typical statist drivel, your a damn zombie and I know better then to attempt to have a constructive discussion with a statist zombie or I just get responses of denial like this.