I call BULLSHIT!!!!!! lol~


Well-Known Member
Clearly with today's technology this could be "enhanced" photography no?? I mean...lets say it WAS real.... it would NOT look like that dried...even if it was that pink to begin with... right???


Well-Known Member
not only is it bullshit... but he lied about his friend growing it apparently...lol!!!! no worries.... he's now on full blast on facebook...TY GUYS!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey.... we can dream...lol~ most color I've seen in a plant IN PERSON is Killing Fields.... so I know there are possibilities.... but this was just too extreme for me to believe... I knew if I brought it here you guys would have an explanation!


Well-Known Member
hey.... we can dream...lol~ most color I've seen in a plant IN PERSON is Killing Fields.... so I know there are possibilities.... but this was just too extreme for me to believe... I knew if I brought it here you guys would have an explanation!
Shit I fell for it. lol


Well-Known Member