Well-Known Member
So who is worse and why, The choices remind me or south park's epic douche vs turd episode.
Start the thread by saying I believe Romney is worse, But they are both terrible options, I think Romney is worse because he's not a normal american, he can't sing and he's not funny, he has no concept of money and work and he doesn't like normal people, he also wants to get rid of peoples rights and put the people into a further state of slavery, Most of that is also true of Obama, but at least he's funny and can sing.
I will not vote for either.
Start the thread by saying I believe Romney is worse, But they are both terrible options, I think Romney is worse because he's not a normal american, he can't sing and he's not funny, he has no concept of money and work and he doesn't like normal people, he also wants to get rid of peoples rights and put the people into a further state of slavery, Most of that is also true of Obama, but at least he's funny and can sing.
I will not vote for either.