Rootbound? 6th week in


Active Member
Our plants are 1 week into flowering, a total of 6 weeks of growth. Our pots are 3 gallon pots and are 1 foot wide and our plants are about 1 1/2 feet tall.
We have larger pots and are considering to retransplant them because someone said they can become rootbound and stop growing.
my question, will it be risky to do this so far ino growth?

ps we also have some nutrient or something that helps with this process.


Well-Known Member
from whati have heard here, you want to transplant at least a week or 2 before flowering your plants, i am sure you could do it now, but there wont be much root growth at this point. anyone agree or disagree with me?


Well-Known Member
if you are in a three gallon pot, there is no way your plants are rootbound at 6 weeks.
Ditto on that.

Ive grown some 4ft monsters in 3 gallon pots,after i harvested them i took out the root mass & they had tons of room left in the pot,you could grow 7ft monsters in 3 gallon pots.


Well-Known Member
I would tend to agree as well, a fifth. You can def transplant in flower though. Remember though, growth kind of stops around the fourth week of flowering, and the energy goes into big ass buds.