will 4x4x5 1/2 Grow box for 600w work???


Wondering if a 4x4 grow box 5 1/2 feet tall is a good size for a single 600w with 3-5 plants in 5 gallon pots ?

assuming i have all ventilation issues under control. lol

looking for the best size box for 1 600w .
Yes that would be good. I'm using a 40 inch x 40 inch x 6 foot tent with my 600.. Heat is a bitch because of summer but once sept come back around should be back to 78-82 degrees in the tent.


Well-Known Member
6.5 feet tall would be better if you can. If not, it will be fine. 600w is about perfect for a 4x4 space


Well-Known Member
main thing to worry about is having a beefy out-take and a relatively cool temp air coming in through the intake at the bottom

also good circulation in the room

but that is plenty of space. i do 816 watts in the same size with a 4" in-line fan, but it is also in a cold basement. temps are usually between 85 and 88


ite thx for all the input i think im gonna do 3.5x3.5x6
everything is bagseeds so its practice

plan on having 2 6" inline fans 1 for the light & 1 for air intake & 2 oscillating fan for air circulation.

how many plants should i keep if i want to use 5 gallon pots ? maybe 4?
Im guessing because of the space i want them to end between 2 & 3 feet.

& ive got a small veg box where i can veg 2 or 3 at a time. what size pots should i veg them in? & how tall should i let them grow? 12 inches? ive got 6" pots wondering if thats fine?

I only want to have to transplant to the 5 gallons at the end of veg ( might let them veg a week under the 600w then switch to 12/12)


Well-Known Member
I've found that having a few extra feet of area to play with on the edges is damn handy. 4x4 would be fine but it's yer cab. 4 or 5 plants under a screen would be best if you are limited on height. I see a nice SCROG in your future.

If you are planning on cooling the light with a separate fan that is sourcing air from outside the grow space, then a 6" inline for regular exhaust will be plenty with a passive intake and circ fans going


I've found that having a few extra feet of area to play with on the edges is damn handy. 4x4 would be fine but it's yer cab. 4 or 5 plants under a screen would be best if you are limited on height. I see a nice SCROG in your future.

If you are planning on cooling the light with a separate fan that is sourcing air from outside the grow space, then a 6" inline for regular exhaust will be plenty with a passive intake and circ fans going
How high do yo think i should make the box if i did a 4x4 space?
6-7 feet would be good. If you are making it then whatever height you want just keep in mind pot size,length of plant,how far you are going to keep the bulb away from the tops. Once you can do the math on that then you can buil your box.


ok i think ill make it 4x4x6 feet as im not limited by height ( well maybe 8ft lol )
with 4 plants in 5 gallon pots.

i want to harvest about every 3 months.

so how long should i veg & in what size pots if vegging under the 600w the whole time


Well-Known Member
If you plan on harvesting ever 3 months you can only veg for 4 weeks tops. Thats about right though. It may take longer to veg/train if you want to use a screen.


I dont really want to scrog grow. i figure with light size & space inbetween & pots size ive got about 3ft vert. i can let em veg between 12"-18" then flower. so they'll end up 2-3ft tall.