Is there a way I can take and post pics from my iPad 2?


Well-Known Member
Anyone know how to take pics from a iPad and then upload them directly to rollitup. Normally i have to take photos from my phone, then plug my phone into my laptop, sort through 8 gigs of pics to find the picture I wanna post then post it. It's annoying, then I buy the android app and it's just hit or fuckin miss with that app. Would be nice if rollitup could at least make it possible for users to upload pics from iPads or smart phones. If Facebook can do it I know rollitup can..


Well-Known Member
Yeah that fuckin sucks balls that android devises can upload to the Internet and "APPLE" can't. Maybe if u dl a browser like google chrome for iOS then I can be done. I'm off to try now


Active Member
I use nothing but my iPad 2 to browse RIU. I upload my pics to my photobucket account and then just embed them into my posts :)

Also: Google Chrome is the ONLY way to go


Well-Known Member
Hi mate I'm back I dl'd google chrome on iOS and came to the full site not mobile one. And u can go advanced and add pics
EDIT: Im so glad I found this out lol