What happened to me?


Active Member
ok well 2 days ago at like midnight i got F***** UP....this was the first time i think i actually ever got stoned out of my mind...im not sure if i wa stoned or aobut to die.

i had 3-4 hits of haze ( pretty sure it was that) and 3-4 hits of my shit wich is high regs and it all kicked in within 5 minutes of passing the bong around, i said to my freinds.....where am i....am i dieng,,,,,am i dreaming.....what is going on....

i couldnt stand straight, my legs were tingling, i couldnt stop laughing.... and i didnt know where i was.

do you think this is the plateau o getting high? or can i get worse?

i basically thought to myself if i wasnt with my friends that night, i wasnt gong to be getting home i'd wake up in the woods somewhere


Well-Known Member
i think you were stoned out of your gourd lol. i was there a few times in my teens, remember these moments because gradually you wont achieve this as you smoke longer and longer.


Well-Known Member
it can get worse, try having ur arm broken and you havnt smoked in two weeks then u hit the haze.. and next thing you know you cant feel your arm.. triipy shit


Well-Known Member
dude i can get even worse,its fun and u wont know what the hells happening, its like whats goin on,and i smoked some purple haze.i smoked an eigth in a hookah,that was fun